Katainen cabinet

On June 22, the Parliament confirmed Katainen's election as the Prime Minister and President Tarja Halonen inaugurated the government.[3] In June 2014 Katainen stepped down as party chairman and Prime Minister of Finland for a new position in the European Union.This was linked to Greenpeace demonstrations against petroleum exploration in the Arctic by the Finnish state-owned firm Arctia and Gazprom Prirazlomnoye field in September 2013.Upon its announcement, Helsingin Sanomat highlighted its main points as follows:[13] The gap between the top earners and those worst-off grew during the Katainen Cabinet.The first citizens' initiative aimed to ban fur farming, but it was rejected on 19 June 2013 by a majority vote in the parliament.
FinlandTarja HalonenSauli NiinistöJyrki KatainenNational Coalition PartySocial Democratic PartyGreen LeagueLeft AllianceSwedish People's PartyChristian Democrats2011 parliamentary electionKiviniemi CabinetStubb Cabinetcabinetparliamentary electionPrime MinisterPresidentAlexander StubbNational CoalitionMinister of FinanceDeputy Prime MinisterJutta UrpilainenAntti RinneMinister for Foreign AffairsErkki TuomiojaHeidi HautalaPekka HaavistoMinister of JusticeAnna-Maja HenrikssonMinister of the InteriorPäivi RäsänenMinister of DefenceStefan WallinCarl HaglundHenna VirkkunenKrista KiuruMinister of Culture and SportPaavo ArhinmäkiJukka GustafssonJari KoskinenMinister of TransportMerja KyllönenJyri HäkämiesJan VapaavuoriLauri IhalainenMinister of Social Affairs and HealthPaula RisikkoMaria Guzenina-RichardsonSusanna HuovinenMinister of the EnvironmentVille NiinistöPia ViitanenEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentGreenpeacepetroleum exploration in the ArcticArctiaGazpromPrirazlomnoye fieldHelsingin Sanomatequalization paymentsmilitary spendingdevelopment aidmunicipalitiesCapital gain taxflat taxtax-deductibilitycost-of-living indexnuclear plantsFortumFinnish Broadcasting CompanyParliament of Finlandfur farmingmandatory SwedishSanoma NewsSuomen TietotoimistoCabinet of FinlandMari Kiviniemi's cabinetJyrki Katainen's cabinetAlexander Stubb's cabinetGovernments of FinlandSvinhufvud IPaasikivi IIngman IKaarlo CastrénVennola IVennola IICajander IKallio ICajander IIIngman IITulenheimoKallio IITannerSunila IMantereKallio IIISvinhufvud IISunila IIKivimäkiKallio IVCajander IIIRyti IRyti IIRangellLinkomiesHackzellUrho CastrénPaasikivi IIPaasikivi IIIPekkalaFagerholm IKekkonen IKekkonen IIKekkonen IIIKekkonen IVTuomiojaTörngrenKekkonen VFagerholm IISukselainen IVon FieandtKuuskoskiFagerholm IIISukselainen IIMiettunen IKarjalainen IVirolainenPaasio IKoivisto IAura IKarjalainen IIAura IIPaasio IISorsa ILiinamaaMiettunen IIMiettunen IIISorsa IIKoivisto IISorsa IIISorsa IVHolkeriLipponen ILipponen IIJäätteenmäkiVanhanen IVanhanen IIKiviniemiSipilä