Juozas Budraitis

[4] Juozas Stanislavas Budraitis was born on 6 October 1940 in the village of Liepynai, Kelmė, Lithuanian SSR, Soviet Union in a peasant family.During this period, he starred in the films The Shield and the Sword (1967), Two Comrades Were Serving (1968), The Lanfier Colony (1969), White Dunes (1969), King Lear (1970) Ave Vita (1970), The Rudobel Republic (1971), That Sweet Word: Liberty![2] In 1980-1988 he was an actor of the Kaunas State Drama Theatre, where he acted in the plays Builder Solnes (1980), Sharunas (Prince of Dainavsky, 1980), Blue Horses on Red Grass (1982), Caligula (1983), Private (1985), The Home for the Elderly (1986).In the 1980s, he starred in the films Life Is Beautiful (1979), Fairfax's Millions (1980), Dangerous Age (1981), Niccolo Paganini (1982), Honeymoon in America (1982), Confessions of his Wife (1984), Battle of Moscow (1985), The 13th Apostle (1988), The Sinner (1988), etc.[2] At the same time, he continues to act actively in domestic and Russian films, such as Classic (1999), Demobbed (2000), Revenge is Sweet (2001), Down House (2001), Princess Slutskaya (2004), The Fall of the Empire (2005), Wolfhound (2006), Tanker Tango (2006), Yes You Will not be Judged ... (2007), Kromov (2009), Debt (2009), Armed resistance (2009), Black Arrow (2009), and others.[2] In 2000, for his great contribution to the preservation and development of Russian-Lithuanian cooperation in the field of culture, Juozas Budraitis was awarded the Order of Friendship.
Lithuanian SSRSoviet UnionWounded Game1977 Cannes Film Festivalperiod dramaThe Queen's GambitKelmėKlaipėdaVilnius UniversityVytautas ŽalakevičiusNobody Wanted to DieexternallyLithuanian Film StudiosThe Shield and the SwordTwo Comrades Were ServingThe Lanfier ColonyKing LearHigh Courses for Scriptwriters and Film DirectorsState Committee for CinematographyKaunas State Drama TheatreLife Is BeautifulFairfax's MillionsBattle of MoscowThe 13th ApostleIrwin ShawDemobbedDown HouseThe Fall of the EmpireWolfhoundPresnyakov brothersFeelingsCentaursThe Big Night BatheFaktasReturn from OrbitDay of WrathThe Red FluteRIA NovostiRecipients of the Lithuanian National PrizeŠ. SaukaK.N. KitkauskasR. PožerskisJ. KačinskasV. AntanavičiusK. BradūnasV. DrėmaP. GeniušasA. ŠliogerisV. DaujotytėV. KavolisV. KašubaS. GedaG. RinkevičiusR. TuminasB. KutavičiusA. PetrulisJ. MekasO. BalakauskasS. KuzmaE. ŠpokaitėV. ValiusO. NarbutaitėP. RepšysE. NekrošiusV. BartulisF. JakubauskasM. MartinaitisA. ŠaltenienėA. BumblauskasE. GudavičiusS. SondeckisO. NarbutienėR. GranauskasT. VenclovaJ. DomarkasŠ. BartasJ. MarcinkevičiusV. UrmanavičiūtėS. EidrigevičiusK. SmoriginasR. AntinisP. VyšniauskasO. KoršunovasA. KaždailisA. StonysD. GeringasV. JuozapaitisV. BarkauskasP. DirgėlaA. SutkusJ. VaitkusO. BaliukonytėS. ParulskisR. MažulisS. StonytėS. ŽvirgždasJ. AputisJ. IvanauskaitėA. MatelisM. RubackytėR. SakalauskasV. KernagisA. AndriuškevičiusŠ. NakasV. PaukštėR. ŠerkšnytėD. NarkevičiusV. JuknaitėR. KazlasV. NoreikaI. MerasV. LandsbergisH. ČigriejusŽ. KempinasD. BanionisF. LatėnasG. KuprevičiusJ. GriciusR. AdomaitisJ. G. KanovičiusBirutė Žilytė-Steponavičienė