Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes papers in the field of Education.Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders contains interdisciplinary research, practice, and commentary related to individuals with emotional and behavioral disabilities.The journal covers critical and diverse topics such as youth violence, functional assessment and school-wide discipline.Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders is abstracted and indexed in, among other databases, SCOPUS and the Social Sciences Citation Index.According to the Journal Citation Reports, its 2017 impact factor is 1.2, ranking it 19 out of 40 journals in the category ‘Education, Special’.
DisciplineEducationEditedPublisherSAGE PublicationsImpact factorpeer-reviewedacademic journaleditorsUniversity of PittsburghSCOPUSSocial Sciences Citation IndexJournal Citation Reports2014 Journal Citation ReportsThomson Reuters