Nordic Christmas calendar
A Christmas calendar (Danish: julekalender, Swedish: julkalender, Norwegian: julekalender, Finnish: joulukalenteri, Icelandic: jóladagatal, Faroese: jólakalendari), is a form of Nordic episodic radio or television advent calendar focused on Christmas.[1] Each series consists of 24 episodes which air daily beginning on the first of December, and ending on Christmas Eve.[2] The first such series aired in Denmark was Historier fra hele verden in 1962.Many Christmas calendar series, such as the 1979 Norwegian Jul i Skomakergata, and the 1990 Icelandic Á baðkari til Betlehem have become classics in their respective countries, and are enjoyed both by children and adults (if purely for nostalgic reasons).[citation needed] Christmas calendars very often feature "tomter" or "nisser", and occasionally a Santa Claus figure.