Jordan International Air Cargo

Jordan International Air Cargo is a cargo airline based in Amman, Jordan.It was founded in 2004 and is owned and operated by the Royal Jordanian Air Force.[1] The Jordan International Air Cargo fleet included the following aircraft on 14 June 2011:[2] In March 2013, The New York Times reported that Jordan International Air Cargo was a front organization for the Royal Jordanian Air Force and responsible for covertly flying arms to Turkey to aid Syrian rebels in the Syrian civil war.This article relating to an Asian airline is a stub.You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.This article about transport in Jordan is a stub.
Amman Civil AirportRoyal Jordanian Air ForceJordancargo airlineIlyushin Il-76The New York TimesSyrian civil warRoyal JordanianArab WingsJordan AviationRaya JetRoyal Jordanian CargoAir Arabia JordanAir JordanAir RumAir UniversalMeelad AirPetra AirlinesRoyal FalconRoyal WingsSky Gate International AviationTeebah Airlines