John XI of Constantinople

Michael VIII was a crafty man and knew how to make the Patriarch's life miserable by sundry small humiliations, until, in March 1279, John XI quit in disgust, and had to be coaxed back to undertake the job again (6 August 1279).On the day after Christmas 1282, John XI withdrew to a monastery; the former patriarch Joseph I of Constantinople, was brought into the city on a stretcher, and a series of councils and public meetings ensued, led by a group of anti-unionist monks.From there, he began a literary campaign to exonerate himself, and succeeded in having a council called to reexamine his case; it took place at the imperial palace of Blachernae in Constantinople, meeting in several sessions from February to August in the year 1285.He spent the remaining years of his life in prison in the fortress of Saint Gregory, revising his writings, maintaining friendly relations with the Emperor and prominent Byzantine churchmen, but unwilling to give up his unionist opinions; he died in 1297.[9] The basis of John XI's quarrel with his contemporaries was a disagreement with them over the implications of a traditional patristic formula, that states that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father through the Son (in Greek, διὰ τοῦ Υἱοῦ).
Ecumenical Patriarch of ConstantinopleJacques GoarEuchologionChurch of ConstantinopleJoseph I of ConstantinopleNicaeaKingdom of NicaeaByzantine EmpireEastern OrthodoxRoman CatholicConstantinopleLatin occupationNicomediaNicephorus GregorasGregory II of ConstantinopleConstantine MeliteniotesGeorge MetochitesSecond Council of LyonPope Gregory XMichael VIII PalaiologosTower of AnemasBasil of CaesareaCyril of AlexandriaEpiphanius of SalamisCharles I of AnjouAndronikos II PalaiologosAsia Minorpalace of BlachernaeAugustinianHoly SpiritfilioquePhotiusNikephoros BlemmydesEastern Orthodox ChurchCatholic ChurchJacques Paul MignePatrologia GraecaLeo AllatiusPope Nicholas INicholas of MethoneTheophylact of OhridBessarionCouncil of FlorenceGeorge PachymeresGerhard RichterVitalien LaurentPope John XXIMount AthosÉchos d'OrientSaint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological SeminaryEastern Orthodox Church titlesJoseph IBishops of Byzantium and Patriarchs of ConstantinopleByzantiumAndrewStachysOnesimusPolycarpus IPlutarchSedecionDiogenesEleutheriusPolycarpus IIAthenodorusEuzoisLaurenceAlypiusPertinaxOlympianusMarcus IPhiladelphusCyriacus ICastinusEugenius IDometiusRufinusProbusMetrophanesAlexanderPaul IEusebiusMacedonius IEudoxiusEvagriusDemophilusMaximus IGregory INectariusJohn I ChrysostomArsaciusAtticusSisinnius INestoriusMaximianusProclusFlavianAnatoliusByzantineGennadius IAcaciusFravittaEuphemiusMacedonius IITimothy IJohn IIEpiphaniusAnthimus IEutychiusJohn IIIJohn IVCyriacus IIThomas ISergius IPyrrhusPaul IIThomas IIJohn VConstantine ITheodore IGeorge IPaul IIICallinicus IJohn VIGermanus IAnastasiusConstantine IINicetas IPaul IVTarasiusNicephorus ITheodotus IAntony IJohn VIIMethodius IIgnatiosPhotios IStephen IAntony IINicholas IΕuthymius IStephen IITryphonTheophylactPolyeuctusΒasil IΑntony IIINicholas IISisinnius IISergius IIEustathiusAlexiusMichael IConstantine IIIJohn VIIICosmas IEustratiusNicholas IIIJohn IXMichael IICosmas IINicholas IVTheodotus IINeophytus IConstantine IVMichael IIICharitonTheodosius IBasil IINicetas IILeontiusDositheusGeorge IIJohn XMichael IVTheodore IIMaximus IIΜanuel IGermanus IIMethodius IIManuel IIArseniusNicephorus IIGermanus IIIGregory IIAthanasius IJohn XIINephon IJohn XIIIGerasimus IIsaiasJohn XIVIsidore ICallistus IPhilotheusMacariusAntony IVCallistus IIMatthew IEuthymius IIJoseph IIMetrophanes IIGregory IIIAthanasius IIOttomanGennadius IIIsidore IIJoasaph ISophronius IMark IISymeon IDionysius IRaphael IMaximus IIINephon IIMaximus IVJoachim IPachomius ITheoleptus IJeremias IJoannicius IDionysius IIJoasaph IIMetrophanes IIIJeremias IIPachomius IITheoleptus IIMatthew IIGabriel ITheophanes IMeletius INeophytus IIRaphael IICyril ITimothy IIGregory IVAnthimus IICyril IIAthanasius IIINeophytus IIIParthenius IParthenius IIJoannicius IICyril IIIPaisius IParthenius IIIGabriel IIParthenius IVDionysius IIIClementMethodius IIIDionysius IVGerasimus IIAthanasius IVCallinicus IINeophytus IVGabriel IIINeophytus VCyprianusAthanasius VCyril IVCosmas IIIJeremias IIICallinicus IIIPaisius IISeraphim INeophytus VICyril VCallinicus IV (III)Seraphim IIJoannicius IIISamuelMeletius IITheodosius IISophronius IIGabriel IVProcopiusNeophytus VIIGerasimus IIIGregory VCallinicus V (IV)Jeremias IVCyril VIEugenius IIAnthimus IIIChrysanthusAgathangelusConstantius IConstantius IIGregory VIAnthimus IVAnthimus VGermanus IVMeletius IIIAnthimus VICyril VIIJoachim IISophronius IIIJoachim IIIJoachim IVDionysius VNeophytus VIIIAnthimus VIIConstantine VGermanus VMeletius IVTurkishGregory VIIConstantine VIBasil IIIPhotius IIBenjaminMaximus VAthenagorasDemetriusBartholomew