John Talaia

Because of this, the Emperor expelled him and recognized the Miaphysite claimant Peter Mongus as the legitimate patriarch on the condition that he would sign the Henoticon.John fled to Rome, where he was welcomed by Pope Simplicius.This pope, or his successor Felix III, refused to recognize Mongus and defended Talaia's rights in two letters to Acacius of Constantinople.As Acacius maintained the Henoticon and communion with Mongus, the pope excommunicated the patriarchs in 484.John eventually relinquished his claim to the see of Alexandria and became Bishop of Nola.
patriarch of AlexandriaTimothy III SalophakiolosCouncil of ChalcedonEmperor ZenoHenoticonMiaphysitePeter MongusPope SimpliciusFelix IIIAcacian schismBishop of NolaCatholic EncyclopediaMeyendorff, JohnPeter III MongusPatriarchs of AlexandriaPatriarchsChalcedonian schismMark I the EvangelistAnianusAviliusKedronosPrimusJustusEumeniusMarkianosCeladionAgrippinusJulianDemetrius IHeraclasDionysiusMaximusTheonasPeter IAchillasAlexander IAthanasius IPeter IITimothy ITheophilus ICyril IDioscorus ICoptic Orthodox Popes and PatriarchsTimothy IIPeter IIIAthanasius IIJohn IJohn IIDioscorus IITimothy IIITheodosius IPeter IVDamianAnastasiusAndronicusBenjamin IAgathonJohn IIISimeon IAlexander IICosmas ITheodore IMichael IMina IJohn IVMark IISimeon IIJoseph IMichael IICosmas IIShenouda IMichael IIIGabriel ICosmas IIIMacarius ITheophilus IIMina IIAbrahamPhilotheosZachariasShenouda IIChristodoulosCyril IIMichael IVMacarius IIGabriel IIMichael VJohn VMark IIIJohn VICyril IIIAthanasius IIIJohn VIIGabriel IIITheodosius IIIJohn VIIIJohn IXBenjamin IIPeter VMark IVJohn XGabriel IVMatthew IGabriel VJohn XIMatthew IIGabriel VIMichael VIJohn XIIJohn XIIIGabriel VIIJohn XIVGabriel VIIIMark VJohn XVMatthew IIIMark VIMatthew IVJohn XVIPeter VIJohn XVIIMark VIIJohn XVIIIMark VIIIPeter VIICyril IVDemetrius IICyril VJohn XIXMacarius IIIJoseph IICyril VIShenouda IIITawadros IIGreek Orthodox Popes and PatriarchsProteriusTimothy IVGaianusZoilusApollinariusEulogiusGeorge IPolitianusEustatiusChristopher ISophronius IEutychiusSophronius IIElias IArseniusGeorge IILeontiusSabbasSophronius IIIElias IIEleutheriusNicholas IGregory INicholas IIGregory IIGregory IIINiphonNicholas IIIGregory IVNicholas IVAthanasius IVPhilotheusGregory VJoachim ISilvesterMeletius I PegasGerasimus IMetrophanesNicephorusJoanniciusPaisiusParthenius IGerasimus IISamuelMatthewCyprianGerasimus IIIParthenius IITheophilus IIIHierotheus IArtemiusHierotheus IICallinicusNicanorSophronius IVPhotiusMeletius IINicholas VChristopher IINicholas VIParthenius IIITheodore IILatin CatholicHumbert II, Dauphin of VienneJuan (John)Simon of CramaudGiovanni VitelleschiPedro González de MendozaAlonso de Fonseca y AcevedoGuido Ascanio Sforza di Santa FioraOttaviano Maria SforzaCristoforo Guidalotti Ciocchi del MonteAlessandro RiarioEnrico CaetaniGiovanni Battista AlbaniCamillo CaetaniAlessandro di SangroFederico BorromeoAllesandro CrescenziAloysius BevilacquaPetrus Draghi BartoliPaolo Angelo BalleriniMelkite CatholicCyril VI TanasAthanasius IV JawharMaximos II HakimTheodosius V DahanCyril VII SiajAgapius II MatarIgnatius IV SarroufAthanasius V MatarMacarius IV TawilIgnatius V QattanMaximos III MazloumClement BahouthGregory II Youssef-SayurPeter IV GeraigiryCyril VIII GehaDemetrius I QadiCyril IX MoghabghabMaximos IV SayeghMaximos V HakimGregory III LahamYoussef I AbsiCoptic CatholicKyrillos MakariosStéphanos I SidaroussStéphanos II GhattasAntonios I NaguibIbrahim Isaac SidrakEastern Orthodox