Jay B. Rising

degree from Wayne State University Law School.[1] Rising served Chief Deputy Michigan State Treasurer as Deputy Michigan State Treasurer for Policy Development and Finance from 1983 to 1991.[1] Rising first joined the law firm Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone in 1991.[2] On January 6, 2003, Rising was appointed by Governor Jennifer Granholm to the position of Michigan State Treasurer.[1] Rising served in this position until late February 2006, when he was offered the positions of vice president and chief financial officer at Detroit Medical Center.
Treasurer of MichiganJennifer GranholmDouglas B. RobertsRobert KleineAlma materUniversity of MichiganWayne State UniversityWayne State University Law SchoolMiller, Canfield, Paddock and StoneDetroit Medical CenterMichigan State TreasurerMichiganTreasurers of MichiganHowardDesnoyersStuartGermainRedfieldCooperWhittemoreHolmesNcKinneyGrosvenorMcCreeryPritchardWilkinsonSleeperHaarerGormanLawrenceDunckelMonroeBowmanRobertsMurrayKleineDillonClintonKhouriEubanks