Janez Mejač

Janez Mejač (born 30 May 1936) is a Slovenian ballet dancer and choreographer.In the 1965–66 season, he was a ballet solo dancer at the Stora Theatre in Gothenburg.In his career, he performed 84 solo ballet roles and created 62 choreographies in drama theatres and opera.He managed the ballet youth education in Trieste and was a lecturer of stage movement and historical dances at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana.The Slovenian Theatre Museum presented his art and life in 2005 in the exhibition and the book titled Janez Mejač : Danseur noble.
Janez Mejač in 1959
Janez Mejač (Mokronog, October 2022)
MokronogDrava BanovinaKingdom of YugoslaviaSloveneballetchoreographyPrešeren AwardSlovenianballet dancerchoreographergymnasiumcorps de balletprincipal dancerGothenburgCannesTriesteAcademy of Music in LjubljanaPrešeren Fund AwardThe Rake's ProgressOrder for MeritsMunicipality of Mokronog-TrebelnoBeli GričBitnja VasBogneča VasBrezje pri TrebelnemBrezovica pri TrebelnemBruna VasCerovec pri TrebelnemČešnjice pri TrebelnemCikavaČilpahČužnja VasDolenje LakniceDolenje ZabukovjeDrečji VrhGorenja Vas pri MokronoguGorenje LakniceGorenje ZabukovjeGorenji MokronogHrastovicaJagodnikJelševecKrižni VrhMalineMartinja Vas pri MokronoguMirna VasOrnuška VasOstrožnikPodturnPugled pri MokronoguPuščavaRadna VasRibjekRoje pri TrebelnemSlepšekSrednje LakniceŠtatenberkSveti VrhTrebelnoVelika StrmicaVrh pri TrebelnemRafael Ajlec