
Jędrusie (literally Little Andrews) was a Polish underground guerrilla group during World War II, created in 1941.The Jędrusie were active in Kraków, Sandomierz, Tarnobrzeg, Opatów, Rzeszów, Mielec and other areas of Central Poland and carried over a variety of tasks related to sabotage and diversion.Initially engaged mostly in training, reconnaissance, intelligence and distribution of underground press, since 1941 the group also started to organize armed resistance.Jędrusie also organized material help for the families of resistance fighters, prisoners of war and concentration camp inmates, collected food for the prisoners held in POW camps, served as a criminal police in the areas of its operation and organized underground education, with secret schools preparing for a secret matura and underground NCO schools for military training.After the start of the Operation Tempest in 1944, the unit fought together with the rest of the regiment against the German forces defending the bridgehead near Baranów and Sandomierz against the Red Army.
"Jędrusie" with instruments
...and with guns
Polish UndergroundArmia KrajowaSzare SzeregiOperation TempestPolish underground guerrilla group during World War IITarnobrzegPolish Boy Scoutsgymnasiumnom de guerrePolish ArmyKrakówSandomierzOpatówRzeszówMielecresistance fightersconcentration campPOW campsunderground educationmaturaGestapoHome ArmyBaranówRed ArmyWehrmachtHome Army (Armia Krajowa)Polish resistance movement in World War IIPolish Underground StateWarsaw UprisingZamość uprisingWarsaw Ghetto UprisingLwów uprisingMurowana OszmiankaOsuchyOstra BramaTempestArsenalKutscheraProject Big BenBürklMost IIIOperation BeltV-1 and V-2WieniecBiuletyn InformacyjnyOperation NOperation AntykCivil ResistanceCovert ResistanceUnderground ResistanceRepublic of PińczówMichał Karaszewicz-TokarzewskiStefan RoweckiTadeusz Bór-KomorowskiLeopold OkulickiJ. AleksandrowiczJ.ArkuszK. K. BaczyńskiW. BartoszewskiJ. BatoryR. BiałousS. BittnerF. BłażejA. BohdziewiczJ. BokszczaninS. BraunT. GajcyH. LedermanS. JankowskiS. KarpielK. KierzkowskiB. KostrzewskaH. KrahelskaA. KrzyżanowskiL. KulejJ. J. LerskiJ. MazurkiewiczW. MicutaK. MoczarskiA. NadolskiT. PełczyńskiA. PilchW. PileckiR. ReiffZ. RomanowiczowaZ. RumelJ. RutkowskiD. SmoleńskiA. StelmachowskiR. SyskiJ. SzczepańskiZ. SzendzielarzA. SzklarskiH. SzwarcE. UmińskaJ. ZabłockiA. ZakrzewskaW. ZalewskiJ. ZamoyskiT. ZawadzkiT. ŻenczykowskiM. ŻuławskiT. ŻychiewiczArmia Krajowa CrossKotwicaKrzyż Powstania WarszawskiegoInformation and Propaganda2nd Legions Infantry Division27th Volhynian Division104th Company of SyndicalistsBattalion ParasolBattalion ZośkaŻaglowiec GroupŻbik GroupŻmija GroupŻniwiarz GroupŻyrafa GroupI Śródmieście ŻoliborzIII WolaIV OchotaV MokotówVI PragaVII Warsaw suburbsBłyskawica radiostationUnderground Police (PKB)Secret Military Printing Works (TWZW)Silent UnseenWachlarzService for Poland's Victory (SZP)Union of Armed Struggle (ZWZ)Peasants' Battalions (BCh)Confederation of the Nation (KN)Leśni (Forest Soldiers)National Military Association (NOW)National Armed Forces (NSZ-AK)Camp of Fighting Poland (OPW)Grey Ranks (Szare Szeregi - Boy Scouts)Secret Polish Army (TAP)Socialist Party People's Guard (GL-WRN)Union of Retaliation (ZO)Independence (NIE)Freedom and Independence (WiN)Nazi GermanyUkrainian Insurgent ArmyUkrainian Auxiliary PoliceLithuanian Security PoliceLithuanian Territorial Defense ForceAL Armia Ludowa (People's Army)Soviet partisansThe Holocaust in Poland