Inter-regional Deputies Group

The Inter-Regional Deputies' Group (Russian: Межрегиональная депутатская группа, МДГ) was the first legal parliamentary opposition in the Soviet Union, a faction formed in 1989 within the 1st Congress of People's Deputies.It was the base of the formation of the Democratic Russia Election Bloc whose main political goal, suggested by Andrei Sakharov, was to remove the Communist Party from power, in particular to remove the declaration of its leading role from the constitution.It was dissolved due to lack of the common constructive programme.The first general conference took place from June 29 to June 30, where the group's leadership was solidified and elected.[2] The Inter-Regional Deputies' Group advocated for freedom of the press and democracy.
Politics of the Soviet UnionLeadersPresidentVice PresidentCollective leadershipState CouncilPresidential CouncilCommunist PartyCongressCentral CommitteeHistoryGeneral SecretaryPolitburoSecretariatOrgburoCongress of SovietsCentral Executive CommitteeSupreme SovietSoviet of the UnionSoviet of NationalitiesPresidiumCongress of People's Deputies1989 Legislative electionConstitutionOfficial namesGovernmentMinistriesState CommitteesCabinetsPremiershipFirst Deputy PremierDeputy PremierAdministrator of AffairsSupreme CourtMilitary CollegiumPeople's CourtProcurator GeneralIdeologySoviet democracyMarxism–LeninismLeninismStalinismKhrushchevismDe-StalinizationPerestroikaGlasnostEconomyAgricultureConsumer goodsFive-Year PlanKosygin reformNew Economic PolicyScience and technologyEra of StagnationMaterial balance planningTransportWar communismCultureDemographicsEducationFamilyPhraseologyReligionCensorshipCensorship of imagesGreat PurgeGulag systemCollectivizationHuman rightsIdeological repressionPolitical abuse of psychiatryPolitical repressionPopulation transferPropagandaSuppressed researchRed TerrorSoviet EmpireRussianSoviet UnionDemocratic Russia Election BlocAndrei SakharovWayback MachineGavriil Popov