Individual and group rights

[4] Besides the rights of groups based upon the immutable characteristics of their individual members, other group rights exercised and enshrined in law at different levels including those held by organizational persons, including nation-states, trade unions, corporations, trade associations, chambers of commerce, specific ethnic groups, and political parties.In the political views of classical liberals and some right-libertarians, the role of the government is solely to identify, protect, and enforce the natural rights of the individual while attempting to assure just remedies for transgressions.[6] Critics suggest that both are necessarily connected and intertwined, rejecting the assertion that they exist in a mutually exclusive relationship.That of antiquity takes the community as a natural given, sees in her a being of the fullest reality, bearer of all cultural life, requiring no more justification than the existence of the Sun.Opposed to this is the conception of the state from the school of natural law, which takes the individual as its starting point, asserts his natural freedom as a right, creates the community from his will and endows her with rights derived from him.
RightsClaim rights and liberty rightsNatural rights and legal rightsNegative and positive rightsHuman rightsCivil and politicalEconomic, social and culturalThree generationsAccusedAnimalsAutisticChildrenConsumersCreditorsDisabledEldersFamilyFetusesHumansIndigenousIntersexTransgenderMinoritiesParentsFathersMothersPatientsPeasantsPlantsPrisonersStatesStudentsVictimsWorkersAssemblyAssociationAsylumCivil libertiesClothingDevelopmentDigitalEducationFair trialFree migrationHealthHealthy environmentHousingLinguisticMovementPropertyRepairReproductiveRest and leisureSecuritySelf defenseSelf-determination of peopleSexualitySpeechWater and sanitationindividual peopletrade unionscorporationsethnic groupspolitical partiesnegotiate for benefits with employers on behalf of all workers in a companyclassical liberalsright-libertariansdue processcriminal justiceself-determinationUnited Nations CharterAdam SmithThe Wealth of NationsUnited States Declaration of IndependenceHugo KrabbeSoviet UnionMarxism–LeninismUniversal Declaration of Human RightsAffirmative actionCollective identityCollectivism and individualismCommon goodConstitutional economicsCorporate personhoodCritical pedagogyEthnic interest groupFreedom of movementIdentity politicsIdentity (social science)IndigenismInstitutionalized discriminationInterest group liberalismLiberation psychologyMinority rightsPopular frontPrimordialismProtected groupReparations (transitional justice)Right to developmentSpecial rightsThree generations of human rightsVoting blocHamowy, RonaldSAGE PublicationsCato InstituteRand, AynAtlas ShruggedThe Virtue of SelfishnessNatural lawPositive lawSovereign statesUniversal jurisdictionEquality before the lawSocial contractIntersex peopleSovereigntyCorporal punishmentList of human rights organisationsNational human rights institutionsAfricaMiddle EastEuropeSouth AmericaAtrocity crimeCrime of apartheidCrimes against humanityCruel, inhuman, or degrading treatmentEnforced disappearancesForced migrationGenocideagainst Palestinians by Israelat Guantánamo Bay detention campduring the Battle of Mosul (2016-2017)during the Gaddafi regimeduring the Libyan civil war (2011)in Azad Kashmirin Balochistanin Chile under Augusto Pinochetin Jammu and Kashmirin Kashmirin Manipurin Punjab, Indiain Sindhof the Marcos dictatorshipof the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985)Incitement to genocideMurderPersecutionSlaveryTortureWar crimesHistory of human rightsList of global issuesList of human rights awardsUnited Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights