Ilyushin Il-18 (1946)

The Il-18 was developed to meet Aeroflot's need for a high-altitude, long-range aircraft to fly its long-haul national and international routes.It was conceived as a cantilever low-wing monoplane, powered by four Charomskii ACh-32 diesel engines, as initially used in the Ilyushin Il-12, with a tricycle landing gear.The pressurized fuselage was circular in cross-section, which provided room for cargo and baggage compartments under the cabin floor.Electro-thermal deicing boots were fitted on the leading edges of the wings, horizontal and vertical tail, driven by four engine-driven electric generators.However, this proved to be in vain because the manufacturer's flight tests were not concluded until 30 July 1947 as the turbo-superchargers were not delivered in a timely manner.
Ilyushin Il-18AirlinerSoviet UnionIlyushinNATO reporting nameSovietWorld War IIShvetsov ASh-73TKTupolev Tu-4Aeroflotmonoplanediesel enginesIlyushin Il-12landing gearlift-to-drag ratioaspect ratiorunwaysvariable pitchpropellersdeicing bootsbleed airdeicingcockpitturbosuperchargersSergey IlyushinLisunov Li-2C-47 SkytrainTushinoIlyushin Il-32Tupolev Tu-70Gordon, YefimIl-20 (I)Il-102Il-22 (I)Il-20 (II)Il-106Il-112Il-276PAK VTAIl-108Il-114Il-20MIl-22 (II)Il-140Il-103