Jonah ibn Janah

He then settled in Zaragoza, where he wrote Kitab al-Mustalhaq, which expanded on the research of Judah ben David Hayyuj and led to a series of controversial exchanges with Samuel ibn Naghrillah that remained unresolved during their lifetimes.[7] He is also called by the Arabic ism Marwān (Ibn Ezra cites him as "Marinos")[a] and by the kunya Abū al-Walīd, which was often given to men named Jonah.[1][11] His education included the languages of Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic, tafsir or exegesis of the Bible and the Quran, as well as rabbinic literature.[16] Today, the only extant manuscript of this work is preserved in the Süleymaniye Library in Istanbul, Turkey (MS Aya Sofia 3603, fols.[19] In the Kitāb al-mustalḥaq, ibn Janah praised Hayyuj's works and acknowledged them as the source for most of his knowledge of Hebrew grammar.[22] Towards the end of his life, ibn Janah wrote what is considered his magnum opus,[13] the Kitab al-Tanqīḥ ("Book of Minute Research", known in Hebrew translation as the Sefer haDiqduq).[27] The twelfth-century biblical commentator Abraham ibn Ezra strongly opposed it and called it "madness" close to heresy.[28] Ibn Janah defended his method by pointing to precedents in the Talmud as well as previous works by Jewish writers in Lower Mesopotamia and North Africa, which all used examples from other languages to define Hebrew words.[29] However, in the late twelfth century, Spanish-Jewish scholars in Italy and the sages of Occitania in southern France spread ibn Janah's work there and to the rest of Europe.The Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World (EJIW) describes him as "one of the best-known, most influential, closely followed, and highly praised scholars" of Hebrew.[4] Writer David Tene "rhapsodizes" on the Kitāb al-Lunaʿ, calling it "the first complete description of Biblical Hebrew, and no similar work - comparable in scope, depth and precision - was written until modern times...[it was] the high point of linguistic thought in all [medieval grammatical] history".[25] The Jewish Encyclopedia, however, notes "serious gaps" in the Kitāb al-Tanqīh, because it does not discuss vowels and accents, and because it omits to explain Hayyuj's works on which it is based on.[33] The Encyclopædia Britannica calls him "perhaps the most important medieval Hebrew grammarian and lexicographer" and says that his works "clarif[ied] the meaning of many words" and contained the "origin of various corrections by modern textual critics".
A page from a copy of ibn Janah's magnum opus Kitab al-Tanqih , translated to Hebrew by Judah ibn Tibbon .
CórdobaCaliphate of CórdobaZaragozaTaifa of ZaragozaJudaismJudeo-ArabicArabical-Andalussiege and sack of the city by BerbersJudah ben David HayyujSamuel ibn Naghrillahmagnum opusBiblical HebrewHebrew grammarIbn FalaqueraIbn EzraMarinosCórdoba, SpainUmayyad state of CórdobaLucenaHebrewAramaictafsirexegesisrabbinic literatureFitna of al-AndalusCórdoba was besieged and sackedBerbertaifasUpper MarchSüleymaniye LibraryIstanbulibn Abi Usaybi'aSolomon ibn GabirolMenahem ben SaruqSaadia GaontriliteralromanizedtaqlidvizierTaifa of GranadaGranadaArabic alphabetẓāʾJudah ibn TibbonTanhum of JerusalemSibawayhal-MubarradSemitic languageslexical substitutionAbraham ibn EzraHebrew alphabetTalmudHebrew BibleLower MesopotamiaNorth Africasages of Occitaniasouthern FranceJudah ben Saul ibn TibbonMiddle EastSephardic studiesJewish EncyclopediaEncyclopædia BritannicaDunash ben LabratAbraham ibn DaudIbn YahyaGiulio BartolocciDerenbourgMekitze NirdamimIbn Falaquera, Shem Tov ben JosephDiccionario biográfico españolLeidenNetherlandsBostonToy, Crawford HowellBacher, WilhelmA. BerlinerRishonimIsaac AlfasiChananel ben ChushielZechariah AghmatiNissim ben JacobSamuel ben Jacob ibn JamShemariah ben ElhananMaimonidesJudah HaleviYom Tov AsevilliJoseph ibn MigashMeir AbulafiaBahya ibn PaqudaBahya ben AsherDavid AbudirhamJoseph AlboIsaac ben Moses AramaRabbenu YeruchamShem Tov ben Abraham ibn GaonMeir ben Solomon Abi-SahulaIsaac ibn GhiyyatMaimon ben JosephIsaac Aboab IMoses ibn EzraAbraham SabaCataloniaNachmanidesMenachem MeiriNissim of GeronaShlomo ibn AderetYonah GerondiZerachiah ha-Levi of GironaHasdai CrescasAharon HaLeviIsaac ben SheshetSimeon ben Zemah DuranVidal of TolosaJoseph ibn HabibAzriel of GeronaJudah ben YakarJudah ben BarzillaiProvenceHachmei ProvenceAbraham ben DavidGersonidesDavid KimhiAbba MariIsaac ben Abba MariAbraham ben NathanDavid ben Levi of NarbonneMoses ben JosephAbraham ben Isaac of NarbonneLevi ben Abraham ben HayyimMoshe ha-DarshanMeshullam ben JacobAsher ben MeshullamAbraham of MontpellierJoseph CaspiIsaac the BlindSamuel ibn TibbonIsaac of NarbonneAaron ben Jacob ha-KohenJonathan of LunelFranceRabbi Abin ha-GadolList of TosafistsRabbeinu TamRashbamSolomon ben MeirSamson ben Joseph of FalaiseYom Tov of FalaiseEliezer ben SamuelIsaac ben SamuelMoses ben Jacob of CoucyJudah ben NathanBechor ShorAbraham ben Joseph of OrleansElijah of ParisJudah ben Yom TovHaim ben Hananel HaCohenYechiel of ParisPeretz ben ElijahEliezer of ToulChaim PaltielJacob of OrléansSamson of ChinonJacob of ChinonEliezer of TouquesIsaac ben Abraham of DampierreElhanan ben Isaac of DampierreBaruch ben IsaacSamson ben Abraham of SensIsaac ben Eliezer HaleviMeir ben SamuelMoses of ÉvreuxSamuel of ÉvreuxSamuel ben Solomon of FalaiseJudah ben Isaac Messer LeonJoseph ben Samuel BonfilsMenahem ben HelboSimeon KaraShemaiah of SoissonsElijah ben Menahem HaZakenEphraim ben SamsonGermanyMeshullam ben KalonymusGershom ben JudahSimeon bar IsaacAsher ben JehielJacob ben AsherMordechai ben HillelMeir of RothenburgYaakov ben Moshe Levi MoelinEliezer ben NathanEliezer ben Joel HaLeviEleazar of WormsMeir HaKohenJudah ben Samuel of RegensburgYaakov ben YakarIsaac ben Mordecai of RegensburgEphraim ben Isaac of RegensburgSamson ben EliezerEliezer ben Isaac ha-GadolJudah ben KalonymusYehuda HaKohen ben MeirMeir ben Baruch HaleviIsrael BrunaIsrael of BambergEphraim of BonnJudah ben AsherJoel ben Isaac ha-LeviJacob ben Judah LandauSamuel ben NatronaiAlexander SuslinJacob WeilIsaac ben Asher ha-LeviSimha of SpeyerIsaac Asir HaTikvahEnglandAaron of CanterburyAaron of YorkElias of LondonEliyahu Menachem of LondonHagin DeulacresJacob ben Judah of LondonJosce of LondonMoses ben Isaac ben ha-NessiahMoses of LondonYom Tov of JoignyBerechiah de NicoleAustriaIsrael IsserleinIsaac of ViennaAvigdor Cohen of ViennaIsaac TyrnauNathan ben JehielIsaiah di TraniIsaiah di Trani the YoungerObadiah of BertinoroMenahem RecanatiZedekiah AnawBenjamin AnawJudah AnavMoses ben Meir of FerraraEliezer ben Samuel of VeronaHillel ben SamuelJoseph Colon TrabottoIsaac ben MelchizedekJudah Messer LeonIsaac AbarbanelElijah MizrachiTobiah ben EliezerZerahiah the GreekIsaac ben DorboloIsaac ben Samuel of AcreMoses TakuIsaac ben Jacob ha-LavanNathan ben Abraham IHillel ben EliakimJudah Leon ben Moses MosconiNethanel ben Isaiah‎