Budapest indie music scene

The 7" also includes a B-side cover of the Bauhaus classic The Passion Of Lovers featuring Bauhaus/Love and Rockets bassist/vocalist David J, who became a fan of the band after seeing them perform in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California in 2008.The video for You Raised A Vampire was shot in the same gothic building where the first Underworld movie was made in Budapest, Hungary where.The decline of the Hungarian indie started in the 2010s, although the most notable bands such as Amber Smith, The Moog and EZ Basic did not disband.The decline can also be attributed to the fact that Imre Poniklo started several projects in the 2010s, such as The Poster Boy, SALT III., and Krapulax & Bellepomme.On 10 April 2012 The Moog released their third studio album entitled Seasons in the Underground produced by Ken Scott[13][14][15] followed by US tour with bands like B-52s and David Lane.
The Puzzle , one of the early birds of the Hungarian indie generation
Music of Hungaryhip hopHungarian Music AwardsFonogramBalaton SoundBudapest Fringe FestivalMiskolc Opera FestivalSziget FestivalRádió Rock 95.8HimnuszSzózatSzékely HimnuszNemzeti Dalindie music sceneBudapestHungaryAmber SmithThe MoogEZ BasicWe Are RockstarsThe Puzzleindie rockKaposvárPolyGramRePRINTGermanHello SunSold for TomorrowAmericanI Like YouIntrospectiveRazzmatazz OrfeumBauhausLove and RocketsHollywood, Los Angeles, CaliforniagothicUnderworldBudapest, HungaryCarbovarisFran PalermoImre PonikloThe Poster BoySeasons in the UndergroundKen ScottDavid LaneBence BátorBlahalouisianaDawnstarTamás FaragóHeaven Street SevenThe KOLINZoltán KőváryGyörgy LigetiTamás MóroczThe TrousersSupersonicTamás SzabóZoltán TakácsHungry Kids of HungaryAustraliansBrisbaneQueenslandHungarian music (disambiguation)Hungarian popHungarian rockÁrmin JamakÁrpád SzarvasHello HeavyModern