
see text The Triakidae or houndsharks are a family of ground sharks, consisting of about 40 species in nine genera.Houndsharks are distinguished by possessing two large, spineless dorsal fins, an anal fin and oval eyes with nictitating eyelids.They are small to medium in size, ranging from 37 to 220 cm (1.21 to 7.22 ft) in adult length.They are found throughout the world in warm and temperate waters, where they feed on small fish and invertebrates on the seabed and in midwater.[2] Fossil records of this group date back to the Cenomanian.
PreꞒLeopard sharkScientific classificationEukaryotaAnimaliaChordataChondrichthyesElasmobranchiiCarcharhiniformesCarcharhinoideiJ. E. Grayfamilyground sharksspeciesgenerasubfamiliesMustelusScylliogaleusTriakisdorsal finsanal finnictitatingCenomanianFurgaleusWhitleyGaleorhinusBlainvilleGogoliaCompagnoHemitriakisHypogaleusJ. L. B. SmithSpringerBoulengerJ. P. MüllerArchaeotriakisPseudotriakidaeCappettaPalaeotriakisList of sharksEschmeyer, William N.Catalog of FishesCalifornia Academy of SciencesFroese, RainerFishBaseSelachiiWhiskery shark (F. macki)School shark (G. galeus)Sailback houndshark (G. filewoodi)Deepwater sicklefin houndshark (H. abdita)Ocellate topeshark (H. complicofasciata)Sicklefin houndshark (H. falcata)Indonesian houndshark (H. indroyonoi)Japanese topeshark (H. japanica)Whitefin topeshark (H. leucoperiptera)Blacktip tope (H. hyugaensis)Longnose houndshark (I. garricki)Bigeye houndshark (I. omanensis)Lowfin houndshark (Iago sp. A)M. albipinnisGummy shark (M. antarcticus)Starry smooth-hound (M. asterias)Gray smooth-hound (M. californicus)Dusky smooth-hound (M. canis)Sharptooth smooth-hound (M. dorsalis)Striped smooth-hound (M. fasciatus)Spotless smooth-hound (M. griseus)Brown smooth-hound (M. henlei)Smalleye smooth-hound (M. higmani)Spotted estuary smooth-hound (M. lenticulatus)Sicklefin smooth-hound (M. lunulatus)Starspotted smooth-hound (M. manazo)Speckled smooth-hound (M. mento)M. minicanisArabian smooth-hound (M. mosis)Common smooth-hound (M. mustelus)Narrowfin smooth-hound (M. norrisi)Whitespotted smooth-hound (M. palumbes)Blackspotted smooth-hound (M. punctulatus)Australian grey smooth-hound (M. ravidus)Narrownose smooth-hound (M. schmitti)Gulf smooth-hound (M. sinusmexicanus)Humpback smooth-hound (M. whitneyi)White-fin smooth-hound (M. widodoi)Flapnose houndshark (S. quecketti)Sharpfin houndshark (T. acutipinna)Spotted houndshark (T. maculata)Sharptooth houndshark (T. megalopterus)Banded houndshark (T. scyllium)Leopard shark (T. semifasciata)WikidataWikispeciesiNaturalistOpen Tree of LifePaleobiology Database