Holman Christian Standard Bible

The roots of the HCSB can be traced to 1984, when Arthur Farstad, general editor of the New King James Version of the Bible, began a new translation project.After Farstad's death, the editorial team replaced this text with the consensus Greek New Testament established by twentieth-century scholars.[3] Holman Bible Publishers assembled an international, interdenominational team of 100 scholars and proofreaders, all of whom were committed to biblical inerrancy.The most significant change was the expanded use of the covenant name of God, known as the tetragrammaton, rendered as "Yahweh," rather than the traditional English "LORD."In June 2016 B&H Publishing announced a revision of the translation called the Christian Standard Bible (CSB).
Christian Standard BibleNovum Testamentum GraeceBiblia Hebraica StuttgartensiaSeptuagintMediatingProtestantmodern English Bible translationHolman Bible PublishersNew TestamentNew King James Versiontranslation projectLifeWay Christian ResourcesSouthern Baptist ConventionKoine GreekKing James VersionZane C. Hodgesinterdenominationalbiblical inerrancyWORDsearchMicrosoft Xbox 360tetragrammatonWayback MachineEnglish-language translationsWessex GospelsHatton GospelsOld English HexateuchOld English Bible translationsWycliffeMiddle English Bible translationsTyndaleCoverdaleMatthewGreat BibleTavernerGenevaBishops'Douay–RheimsKing JamesBrenton's SeptuagintWebster'sYoung's LiteralRevisedLiving OraclesEmphatic DiaglottJoseph SmithQuakerJulia E. Smith Parker TranslationAmerican StandardRotherham's EmphasizedFerrar FentonMoffatt, New TranslationBasic EnglishRevised StandardAnchorNew WorldModern LanguageNew EnglishLiving EnglishNew American StandardGood NewsJerusalemNew AmericanLivingNew InternationalNew CenturyBethelNew King JamesNew JerusalemGreen's Literal TranslationRecoveryChristian CommunityNew Revised StandardRevised EnglishContemporary EnglishThe MessageClear WordNew Life21st Century King JamesThird MillenniumNew International Reader'sNew International Inclusive LanguageGod's WordNew LivingHeinz Cassirer's translationInternational StandardEasy-to-Read VersionThe Holy Bible from Ancient Eastern ManuscriptsHebrew BibleJewish Publication Society of America VersionNew Jewish Publication Society of America TanakhWorrellPhillipsFour Prophets (Phillips)Palmarian BibleWorld EnglishWorld MessianicEnglish StandardToday's New InternationalThe VoiceCommon EnglishApostolic Bible PolyglotNew American Bible Revised EditionLexham EnglishThe Orthodox JewishOriginal Aramaic Bible in Plain EnglishDivine Name King JamesNames of GodTree of Life BibleModern EnglishLiteral EnglishChristian StandardThe Passion TranslationRevised New JerusalemEvangelical HeritageNew Heart English Bible, Jehovah EditionLegacy StandardAntioch BibleTree of Life VersionNew English Translation of the SeptuagintLife Application Study BibleOxford Annotated BibleReformation Study BibleScofield Reference BibleThompson Chain-Reference BibleLogos International Study BibleHebrew-Greek Key Word Study BibleMacArthur Study BibleThe Wesley Study BibleThe Lutheran Study BibleOrthodox Study BibleStudy Bible for NIVStudy Bible for ESVStudy Bible for NLTStudy Bible for GNTNew Interpreter's Study BibleReflecting God Study BibleArchaeological Study BibleThe Life with God Study BibleThe Green BibleThe Brick BibleThe Action BibleGlasgowLOLCatCambridge University PressOxford University PressAmerican Bible SocietyZondervanThomas NelsonTyndale HouseHarperCollinsHolmanLockman FoundationCrosswayHendrickson PublisherIgnatius PressSaint Benedict PressBaronius PressList of English Bible translationsOld English (pre-1066)Middle English (1066–1500)Early Modern English (1500–1800)Modern Christian (1800–)Modern Jewish (1853–)