High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area

[1][2] The HIDTA program was made permanent through Title III of the Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 2006.The Director of ONDCP has the authority to designate areas within the United States that are centers of illegal drug production, manufacturing, importation, or distribution as HIDTAs.To begin the designation process, a coalition of law enforcement agencies may petition the Director of ONDCP for their county to be included in an HIDTA.The Executive Boards have the discretion to design and implement initiatives to address specific drug trafficking threats in their regions.This allows a board to tailor its strategy and reassess its initiatives to respond to changes in local drug threats.During episode 2 of the first season of True Detective the audience learns of Rust Cohle's previous law enforcement history, including participation in the HIDTA program.
2022 HIDTA Designation Map
United StatesOffice of National Drug Control PolicyAnti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988Director of ONDCPAttorney GeneralSecretary of the TreasurySecretary of Homeland SecuritycountiesLaw & OrderGreenpoint, Brooklynepisode 2first seasonTrue DetectiveRust CohleBlack NoticeWe Own This CityNational ArchivesCongressional Research Service21 U.S.C.public domain materialC-SPAN