Hepatic branches of anterior vagal trunk

The hepatic branches of anterior vagal trunk are branches of the anterior vagal trunk that provide parasympathetic innervation the liver,[1][2]: 499  and gallbladder.[2]: 266  Each anterior vagal trunk (it may be doubled or tripled) issues 1-2 hepatic branches which pass through the superior part of the omentum minus to reach and join the hepatic (nervous) plexus[2]: 250–252  before proceeding to the porta hepatis.[2]: 262  The anterior vagal trunk is the main source of parasymathetic afferents for the hepatic plexus.[3] Selective vagotomy of the anterior vagal trunk can be performed distal to the hepatic branch (in conjunction with sectioning the posterior vagal trunk distal to its coeliac branches) to curb gastric secretion, however, this often results in gastric stasis (to avoid this complication, a highly selective vagotomy that sections only branches to the gastric fundus and body may be performed instead).This neuroanatomy article is a stub.
anterior vagal trunkAnatomical terms of neuroanatomyparasympathetic innervationgallbladderomentum minushepatic (nervous) plexusporta hepatishepatic plexuscoeliac branchescranial nervesTerminalseptal nucleiOlfactoryanterior olfactory nucleusolfactory bulbolfactory tractlateral geniculate nucleusoptic chiasmoptic tractOculomotoroculomotor nucleusEdinger–Westphal nucleussuperiorparasympathetic rootciliary ganglioninferiorTrochlearNucleusTrigeminalspinal trigeminal nucleustrigeminal ganglionophthalmicmaxillarymandibularAbducensFacialIntermediate nerveGeniculatefacial canalGreater petrosalpterygopalatine ganglionNerve to the stapediusChorda tympanilingual nervesubmandibular ganglionstylomastoidforamenPosterior auricularSuprahyoiddigastricstylohyoidParotid plexustemporalzygomaticbuccalcervicalFacial motor nucleusSolitary nucleusSuperior salivary nucleusVestibulocochlearvestibular nucleicochlear nucleiCochlear nervestriae medullareslateral lemniscusVestibularScarpa's ganglionGlossopharyngealjugular fossaTympanictympanic plexuslesser petrosalotic ganglionStylopharyngeal branchPharyngeal branchesTonsillar branchesLingual branchesCarotid sinusNucleus ambiguusInferior salivatory nucleusMeningeal branchAuricular branchPharyngeal branchpharyngeal plexusSuperior laryngealexternalinternalRecurrent laryngealSuperior cervical cardiacThoraxInferior cardiacPulmonaryanteriorposteriorAbdomenCeliacAnterior gastricPosterior gastricDorsal nucleus of vagus nerveAccessoryspinal accessory nucleusCranialSpinalHypoglossallingualneuroanatomy