Henry the Proud

[3] Henry's father had been promised her marriage and inheritance as reward for his changing to support Lothair in the royal election of 1125 against the Hohenstaufen rival Duke Frederick II of Swabia.[2] In 1136, Henry accompanied his father-in-law to Italy, and taking command of a Bavarian division of the Imperial army marched into the south Italian Kingdom of Sicily up to Bari, devastating the land as he went.Having distinguished himself by his military abilities during this campaign, Henry was appointed as margrave of Tuscany, succeeding Engelbert III of Sponheim, and as Lothair's successor in the Duchy of Saxony.The new king, Conrad III, demanded the Imperial Regalia which Henry had received from Lothair, and the duke in return asked for his investiture with the Saxon duchy.[5] Conrad the Priest probably wrote the Rolandslied, a German version of the Chanson de Roland, while in Henry's service, at the request of Queen Gertrude.
Duke of BavariaQuedlinburgImperial CathedralKönigslutterGertrude of SüpplingenburgHenry III / XII the LionHouse of WelfHenry IX, Duke of BavariaWulfhilde of SaxonyGermanDuke of SaxonyMargrave of TuscanyDuke of SpoletoelectionKing of the RomansConrad of HohenstaufenHenry IX of BavariaWulfhildeMagnus of SaxonyBillungWeingarten AbbeyConradCistercian OrderDuchy of BavariaSaxonySwabiaWelf VIGertrudeLothair III of GermanyHohenstaufenFrederick II of SwabiaHouse of SupplinburgBrunonidsNortheimGermanyHenry the LionJudithFranconiaanti-kingbishop of RegensburgKingdom of SicilyTuscanyEngelbert III of SponheimMatilda of TuscanyPope Innocent IIOtto of FreisingcognomenprincesImperial RegaliaduchiesbannedBabenbergLeopold IV of AustriaAscanianAlbert the BearEilika of SaxonyRichenza of NortheimHenry II, Duke of AustriaConrad the PriestChanson de Rolandpublic domainChisholm, HughEncyclopædia BritannicaLothairHenry the BlackLeopold the GenerousEngelbertUlrichDukes of BavariaBavaria-IngolstadtBavaria-LandshutBavaria-MunichBavaria-StraubingGaribald ITassilo IGaribald IITheodoTheodbertTheobaldTassilo IIGrimoaldHugbertTassilo IIILouis II the GermanCarlomanLouis III the YoungerCharles the FatEngeldeoLuitpoldArnulfEberhardBertholdHenry IHenry II the QuarrelsomeOtto IHenry III the YoungerHenry IVHenry VHenry VIHenry VIIConrad IHenry VIIIConrad IIOtto of NordheimWelf IWelf IIHenry IX the BlackLeopold IHenry XI JasomirgottHenry XII the LionOtto the RedheadAgnes of LoonLouis IOtto the IllustriousLouis II the StrictHenry XIIILouis IIIStephen IOtto IIIMatildaRudolph IHenry XV the NatternbergerOtto VIHenry XIVJohn I the ChildLouis IVOtto VLouis V the BrandenburgerMeinhard ILouis VIStephen IIWilliam IAlbert IAlbert IIWilliam IIJacquelineJohn III the PitilessWilliam IIIErnestFrederick I the WiseJohn IIStephen III the MagnificentLouis VII the BeardedLouis VIII the HunchbackHenry XVI the RichAlbert IIIJohn IVSigismundLouis IX the RichGeorge I the RichAlbert IV the WiseWilliam IV the SteadfastLouis XAlbert V the MagnanimousWilliam V the PiousMaximilian I