Havana Times

Havana Times is a Cuban Digital Newspaper[1] and online magazine founded in 2008.[citation needed] The project began as early as 2007,[2] and the magazine was launched 2008 in Cuba, with Circles Robinson as editor.As of 2009,[update] Robinson edits the magazine from Nicaragua and makes occasional trips to Cuba to meet with contributors, who, he says, have suffered harassment and threats from Cuban authorities in several occasions.[citation needed] The Weekly Worker described the Havana Times as a "Cuban news and opinions website that neither consists of sycophantic Castro apologetics nor of its mirror image - the rabid anti-communism peddled by Florida-based Cuban exiles".[4] The Havana Times cooperates with the Nicaraguan weekly newspaper Confidencial, of which Circles Robinson is a columnist.
Online magazineWebsiteEnglishSpanishManaguaNicaraguaHavanaSantiago de CubaGuantánamoVenezuelaDominican RepublicCanadaEcuadorMexicoNetherlandsUnited StatesUnited KingdomonlineWeekly WorkerConfidencialWashington PostMass media in CubaCensorship in CubaCuban Institute of Radio and TelevisionPrensa LatinaNewspapersGranmaJuventud RebeldeTrabajadores5 de SeptiembreAdelanteLa DemajaguaEscambrayGirónGuerrilleroInvasorPeriódico 26Sierra MaestraTribuna de La HabanaVanguardiaVenceremosRadio ProgresoRadio Free DixieRadio Habana Cuba-Cadena AzulRadio Havana CubaRadio TaínoRadio RebeldeRadio RelojTelevisionCubavisiónCubavision InternationalMesa Redonda InternacionalTelevisión Serrana