Hanan Yoran
Hanan Yoran is a lecturer in the department of History at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Ahva Academic College and at the Interdisciplinary Center, Israel.Hanan Yoran studied for his BA degree in Mathematics and Computer Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and graduated in 1987.The title of the dissertation was: Erasmus and Thomas More between the Republic of Letters and the World of Politics.From this perspective he examined in his book, entitled Between Utopia and Dystopia: Erasmus, Thomas More and the Humanist Republic of Letters, the construction of the identity of the universal intellectual—the autonomous man of letters whose activity do not represent the ideology of a distinct social group, but rather the common good (as he understands it) – by the Erasmus and the humanists gathered around him in the beginning of the 16th century.Yoran also exposed the problems and paradoxes of inherent in this identity as well as the inability of the Erasmian humanists to account for and legitimize it in their own terms.