Hamilton Southeastern Schools

Hamilton Southeastern Schools is the school district for students residing in Fishers, Indiana and portions of neighboring Noblesville, Indiana.Hamilton Southeastern is one of the largest school corporations in Indiana, serving 21,299 students in the 2023-24 academic year.[5] The district is known for its consistently high academic ratings.[7] The district had a 23.1% higher passing rate on the math/English combined ISTEP+ tests when compared to the state average in 2006-07.[8] The school district has been the subject of controversy following a lawsuit that alleged the district failed to properly intervene in an act of bullying toward a student that resulted in a suicide.
FishersIndianaCentral IndianaHamilton CountyUnited StatesPublicschool districtFishers, IndianaNoblesville, Indianaelementary schoolsjunior high schoolshigh schoolsHamilton SoutheasternISTEP+Fishers High SchoolHamilton Southeastern High SchoolU.S. Census BureauUnited States Department of EducationThe Indianapolis StarLargest school districtsIndianapolis Public SchoolsFort Wayne Community SchoolsEvansville-Vanderburgh School CorporationSouth Bend Community SchoolsMSD Wayne TownshipCarmel Clay SchoolsPerry Township SchoolsMSD Lawrence TownshipVigo County School Corporation