Gossypium arboreum

The holotype was also supplied by him, which is now in the Linnean Herbarium in the Swedish Museum of Natural History.Stipules are present at the leaf base and they are linear to lanceolate in shape and sometimes falcate (i.e. sickle-shaped).The blades are ovate to orbicular in shape and have five to seven lobes, making them superficially resemble a maple leaf.neglecta, locally known as "Phuti karpas", was the variant used to make Dhaka muslin in Bengal, now Bangladesh.It could be spun so that individual threads could maintain tensile strength at counts higher than any other variant of cotton.
Conservation statusNear ThreatenedIUCN 3.1Scientific classificationPlantaeTracheophytesAngiospermsEudicotsRosidsMalvalesMalvaceaeGossypiumBinomial nameSynonymscottonIndian subcontinentOld WorldIndus Valley CivilisationIndus RiverLinnaeusSpecies PlantarumholotypeSwedish Museum of Natural HistoryStipulespetioleGlandspubescenceflowerspedicelsbractssepalscorollastaminalGossypium arboreum var. neglectaDhaka muslinBengalBangladeshMeghna RiverIUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesPlants of the World OnlineRoyal Botanic Gardens, KewWikidataWikispeciesEcocropObservation.orgOpen Tree of LifePlant ListTropicos