German National Association

[4] The establishment has to be seen against the background of the Prussian "New Era" politics under prince regent William with slight liberalisations and concessions to the bourgeoisie that started in 1858.While the organisational structure was established, the association fund-raised to buy up the German fleet (Reichsflotte) of 1848 to forward the unification.In 1862 the National union raised the democratic constitution of 1849 (Paulskirchenverfassung) to its political programme, illustrating the organisation's swing to the left.In many South and Central German small and middle states Progress Parties were founded in the following years.The "Committee of 36", close to the National union, strived for a reconquest of Schleswig and Holstein by nationalist volunteer forces.
Deutscher NationalverbandGermanliberalGerman ConfederationLesser GermanPrussiaWilliamEisenachconfederationRudolf von BennigsenSchulze-DelitzschLudwig von RochauFrankfurtReichsflotteAlbrecht von RoonOtto von BismarckPaulskirchenverfassungGerman Progress PartySchleswig crisisSchleswigHolsteinvolunteer forcesAustriaAustro-Prussian WarNorth German Confederationleft liberalsNational liberalsIndemnityNational Liberal PartyPhillips, Walter AlisonChisholm, HughEncyclopædia BritannicaLiberalism in GermanyPolitical parties in GermanySocialistGeneral German Workers' Association (ADAV)Social Democratic Workers' Party of Germany (SDAP)Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD)Majority Social Democratic Party of Germany (MSPD)CatholicCentre Party (Zentrum)Social liberalGerman Progress Party (DFP)Democratic People's Party (DVP)German People's Party (DtVP)Liberal Union (LV)German Free-minded Party (DFsP)Free-minded People's Party (FVP)Free-minded Union (FV)National-Social Association (NSV)Democratic Union (DV)Progressive People's Party (FVP)National liberalNational Liberal Party (NLP)Imperial Liberal Party (LRP)ConservativeFree Conservative Party (FKP)German Conservative Party (DkP)Christian Social Party (CSP)German Fatherland PartyConservative Party (Prussia)AntisemiticGerman Reform Party (DRP)German Social Party (DSP)German Social Reform Party (DSRP)RegionalistSaxon People's PartyGerman-Hanoverian Party (DHP)Bavarian Peasants' League (BB)Polish PartyDanish Party