Georgios Vlachos

In 1915, as a young journalist at the newspaper Chronos during the Noemvriana events, he supported that the Greek army units should not surrender arms to the French admiral.He was one of the strongest critics of Venizelos during the period of National Schism and in summer 1917 was put in internal exile by the Venizelists.In summer 1922, days before the destruction at the front in the Greco-Turkish war, he published two articles ("Oikade" -To Home- and "Pomeranians"), calling for peace and the Greek army to retreat for the coming winter.After the Italian attack in October 1940, he wrote his famous article "The dagger" and later an article-public letter to Adolf Hitler.During World War II, he refused to cooperate with the Nazi occupation government; he retired and passed Kathimerini to the personnel.
KathimeriniantivenizelistNoemvrianaNational SchismExecution of the Six4th of August RegimeNazi occupation governmentDekemvrianaHelen VlachosInternet Archive