Geometric group theory

Geometric group theory, as a distinct area, is relatively new, and became a clearly identifiable branch of mathematics in the late 1980s and early 1990s.In this sense the study of geometric group theory is a part of culture, and reminds me of several things that Georges de Rham practiced on many occasions, such as teaching mathematics, reciting Mallarmé, or greeting a friend".In the first half of the 20th century, pioneering work of Max Dehn, Jakob Nielsen, Kurt Reidemeister and Otto Schreier, J. H. C. Whitehead, Egbert van Kampen, amongst others, introduced some topological and geometric ideas into the study of discrete groups.Small cancellation theory was introduced by Martin Grindlinger in the 1960s[4][5] and further developed by Roger Lyndon and Paul Schupp.The emergence of geometric group theory as a distinct area of mathematics is usually traced to the late 1980s and early 1990s.
The Cayley graph of a free group with two generators. This is a hyperbolic group whose Gromov boundary is a Cantor set . Hyperbolic groups and their boundaries are important topics in geometric group theory, as are Cayley graphs.
Cayley graphfree grouphyperbolic groupGromov boundaryCantor setmathematicsfinitely generated groupsalgebraicgroupstopologicalgeometricCayley graphsmetric spaceword metriclow-dimensional topologyhyperbolic geometryalgebraic topologycomputational group theorydifferential geometrycomplexity theorymathematical logicLie groupsdynamical systemsprobability theoryK-theoryGeorges de RhamMallarmécombinatorial group theorydiscrete groupsgroup presentationsquotientsfree groupsWalther von DyckFelix Kleinicosian calculusWilliam Rowan Hamiltonicosahedral symmetrydodecahedronmeasure-theoreticMax DehnJakob NielsenKurt ReidemeisterOtto SchreierJ. H. C. WhiteheadEgbert van Kampensmall cancellation theoryBass–Serre theoryRoger LyndonPaul Schuppvan Kampen diagramssimplicial treesMostow's rigidity theoremKleinian groupsWilliam ThurstonGeometrization programMikhail GromovGromovquasi-isometrygrowth rateDehn functionfinitely presented grouphyperbolicity of a grouphomeomorphismasymptotic conesamenabilityabeliannilpotentfinitely presentableWord ProblemGromov's polynomial growth theoremStallings' ends theoremMostow rigidity theoremSchwartzBenson FarbBaumslag–Solitar groupsword-hyperbolicrelatively hyperbolicZlil Selaisomorphism problemBrian BowditchOlga Kharlampovichnon-commutative algebraic geometryautomatic groupsEliyahu RipsMark SapirJSJ-decompositions3-manifoldsgeometric analysisC*-algebrasNovikov conjectureBaum–Connes conjectureHilbert spacesCannon's conjectureFinite subdivision rulestopological dynamicsconvergence group R {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } -treesRips machineCAT(0) spacesmapping class groupsbraid groupsgeneric-case complexityiterated monodromy groupsgroups of automorphismsGrigorchuk's groupsmeasure spacesKazhdan's property (T)outer automorphism groupouter spacetrain tracksrandom walksPoisson boundarysubgroup growthlinear groupsbuildingsalgebro-geometricalgebraic groupsGroup cohomologymorse-theoreticBurnside problemCoxeter groupsArtin groupsAmenable groupsFree Burnside groupscyclic groupFree productsOuter automorphism groupsOut(Fn)Hyperbolic groupsSymmetric groupsThompson's groupCAT(0) groupsArithmetic groupsFuchsian groupslatticesWallpaper groupsFundamental groups of graphs of groupsGrigorchuk groupping-pong lemmaAmenable groupNielsen transformationTietze transformationWilhelm MagnusJohn StillwellEuropean Congress of MathematicsActa Mathematica HungaricaShelah, SaharonTent, KatrinAdvances in MathematicsFarb, BensonInventiones MathematicaeAnnals of MathematicsGeometric and Functional AnalysisBowditch, Brian H.Word Processing in GroupsSapir, MarkRips, EliyahuBibcodeGeometry & TopologyInternational Congress of MathematiciansCannon, James W.Floyd, William J.Journal für die Reine und Angewandte MathematikBestvina, M.Vogtmann, K.Hyman BassAlexander LubotzkyJacques TitsBirkhäuser VerlagBestvina, MladenInternational Journal of Algebra and ComputationMathematical Society of JapanBridson, Martin R.Haefliger, AndréDruţu, CorneliaKapovich, MichaelAmerican Mathematical SocietyLyndon, Roger C.