Generation Climate Europe

Generation Climate Europe (GCE) is a coalition of major European youth organizations aiming to advocate for more climate action from European institutions.[1][2] Generation Climate Europe was launched in September 2019 by youth activists like Nathan Méténier.[3] The founding members of GCE are FIMCAP Europe, ESU, YEE, CliMates and AEGEE.In the meanwhile, a series of other major youth organizations have joined the coalition.[4][5] Generation Climate Europe was founded to unite the voices and efforts of Europe's major IYNGOs to advocate together toward the European institutions for more climate action.
Europeanclimate actionNathan MéténierFIMCAPclimate emergencyEuropean Green DealNationally Determined Contributioncarbon neutralityFossil fuel subsidiescircular economyInternational Federation of Catholic Parochial Youth MovementsEuropean Students' UnionAssociation des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l'EuropeOrganising Bureau of European School Student UnionsErasmus Student NetworkYoung European Federalistseuronews