General Board of Church and Society

It is one of four international general program boards of The United Methodist Church as set out the UMC Book of Discipline.The General Board has headquarters on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., and at the Interchurch Center in New York City.It shall seek to bring the whole of human life, activities, possessions, use of resources, and community and world relationships into conformity with the will of God.It shall show the members of the Church and the society that the reconciliation that God effected through Christ involves personal, social, and civic righteousness.[1] In 2008, this was affirmed by the General Conference, but, in 2016, it voted in favor of withdrawing the United Methodist Church from the pro-choice organization.
Methodist Board of Temperance, Prohibition, and Public MoralsUnited Methodist ChurchMethodismJohn Wesleyin the United StatesAnglicanismArminianismFirst Great AwakeningMoravianismNonconformismPietismWesleyan theologyDoctrineOld TestamentNew TestamentCreedsNicene CreedApostles' CreedArticles of ReligionSermons on Several OccasionsExplanatory Notes Upon the New TestamentConditional preservationof the saintsPriesthood of all believersSainthoodFour sources of theological authorityCovenant theologySubstitutionary atonementImparted righteousnessNew birthOutward holinessPrevenient graceSunday SabbatarianismChristian perfectionSecond work of graceWorks of pietyWorks of mercyWorshipThe Sunday Service of the MethodistsCovenant Renewal ServiceRevival serviceAltar callMourner's benchCamp meetingTabernacleTent revivalBrush arbour revivalLovefeastWatchnight servicePeopleCharles WesleyRichard AllenFrancis AsburyThomas CokeJohn William FletcherOrange ScottWilliam Williams PantycelynBenjamin Titus RobertsWalter Ashbel SellewHowell HarrisAlbert OutlerJames VarickCountess of HuntingdonPhoebe PalmerGeorge WhitefieldTheologiansMethodist Church of Great BritainFree Methodist ChurchWorld Methodist CouncilGlobal Methodist ChurchOther Methodist denominationsConnexionalismGeneral ConferenceMethodist CircuitPastoral chargeClass meetingPenitent bandHoliness movementConservative holiness movementHoliness PentecostalismEvangelicalismSaints in MethodismMethodist local preacherItinerant preacherCircuit riderStewardHomosexuality and MethodismOrdination of women in MethodismBishops in MethodismChristianityProtestantismUMC Book of DisciplineInterchurch CenterReligious Coalition for Reproductive ChoiceProject BlitzChristian rightConferencesGeneralJurisdictionalCentralEpiscopal areaCouncil of BishopsDiscipleship MinistriesGeneral Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious ConcernsAbingdon PressCokesburyCommittee on ReliefBook of DisciplineConfession of FaithThe Book of HymnsThe United Methodist HymnalBook of Worship for Church and Home (1965)District superintendentList of bishopsLay leaderLay speakerOrdination of womenLGBT issuesSocial Creed