Its land area is 25.95 square miles (67.2 km2), making Gareloi the largest island in the Delarof group.[3] Gareloi's northern, slightly higher peak is on the southern rim of a crater about 330 yards (300 m) across, which contains several active fumaroles.Thirteen younger craters, from 87 yards (80 m) to 1 mile (1,600 m) in diameter, are aligned along a south-southeast trending fissure that extends from strandline to the southern summit.These craters formed during a major explosive eruption in 1929 that also produced four blocky lava flows, and a blanket of grassy andesitic tuff that covers an area roughly 1.5 by 3 miles (2.4 by 4.8 km) on the volcano's southeast flank.In Spring and Summer 2007 there was a period of increased seismic activity on Gareloi Island, sometimes reaching 40 earthquakes per day.