Gamelan jegog

Jegog is a form of gamelan music indigenous to Bali, Indonesia, played on instruments made of bamboo.There are virtually no ensembles outside of Bali with the exception of at least two groups in Japan (Sekar Sakura and Geinoh Yamashirogumi, the latter's having been used in 4 of the tracks in their score for the film Akira as well as on the final track of Ecophony Rinne ), one in the United States (Sekar Jaya)[1] and one in Germany.Jegog instruments have a four-note scale that roughly corresponds to the four pitches of a dominant 7th chord in Western music.Most Jegog ensembles have instruments that have keys that are made of bamboo that are split at one end and then half of the tube is removed.The keys are suspended on a wooden frame and struck with mallets (called pangguls), made out of wood or rubber.The keys of the Jegog instrument are as long as 3 meters in length and a pitch as low as 60 hertz.If a gamelan jegog is accompanying dance, it may be augmented by kendang (drums), ceng-ceng (cymbals) and tawa-tawa (a beat-keeping small gong).
BalineseIndonesiaGamelanMusic of IndonesiaDangdutCampursariCelempunganFunkotGambang kromongHip hopIndo popJaiponganKecapi sulingKroncongLanggam jawaPop melayuPop kreatifPop SundaTanjidorTembang sundaAngklungBeleganjurCalungGambusDegungGambangGender WayangGong gedeGong kebyarJoged bumbungMelayuSalendroSelundingSemar pegulinganSurakartaGendang beleqGordang sambilanKarindingKendangKolintangKulintangKuridingKurung-kurungSaluangSulingTalempongTarawangsaTifa totobuangSumatraSundaneseMinangkabaubambooUnited StatesGermanyrhythmicdominant 7thoctaveresonatorKotekantawa-tawaMichael TenzerGamelan Sekar JayaSlendroPathetCengkokSekaranColotomyGendhing structuresGamelan notationAmerican gamelanBebonangan gamelanBeleganjur gamelanDegung gamelanGadhon gamelanGambang gamelanGender wayang gamelanGong gede gamelanGong kebyar gamelanGong Si BolongJoged bumbung gamelanMalay gamelanMunggang gamelanSalendro gamelanSekaten gamelanSelunding gamelanSemar pegulingan gamelanSiteran gamelanSurakartan gamelanK. P. H. NotoprojoRahayu SupanggahSumarsamI Nyoman WindhaEvan ZiporynGamelan Son of LionList of U.S. gamelan ensemblesColotomicGong agengKempulKempyangKenongBalunganBonangBonang barungBonang panerusBonang panembungSaron pekingSaron panerusSaron barungSaron demungSlentemSlenthoPanerusanGenderGender panerusCelempungKemanakKendang gendingKendang ciblonKendang ketipungKepyakGeronganSindenanPesindenKeplok