Gülnuş Sultan

She was renamed Emetullah Rabia Gülnuş and was given a thoroughly Ottoman education in the harem department of Topkapi Palace and soon attracted the attention of the Sultan, Mehmed IV, and became his concubine.These relations still remained even after the disastrous collapse of the siege of Vienna in 1683 as a result of which his influence at the court fell sharply.She also played a role in determining the careers of various statesmen, including the grand vizier Kara Mustafa Pasha.After the failure after the siege of Vienna in 1683, he was stripped of his office and executed, after a considerable lobbying effort of Gülnus and the court eunuchs.When Mustafa II was dethroned in 1703 the populace blamed Gülnuş, for his preference for Edirne over Constantinople as a place of residence and for the general confusion of life in the capital.Mustafa kept close contacts with his mother, he honored her demonstratively whenever there was an occasion, he sent her information, asked for her well-being and received many, many horses as gifts from her.[25] On 9 February 1711, Turkey declared war against Russia, as the sultan had been advised to by his mother, who convinced him that Charles was a man worth taking a risk for.Among Gülnuş's projects was a complex of buildings which included a mosque, soup kitchen, school, fountain and tomb, built in Üsküdar.She also sponsored the transformation of a church in Galata into a mosque and building of five fountains with which clean water was finally made available to the area.
Interior of the dome of the Yeni Valide Mosque (Emetullah Râbi'a Gülnûş Sultan Mosque) in Üsküdar , Istanbul .
Ottoman Turkishgiven nameSultanValide sultanOttoman EmpireSaliha Dilaşub SultanSaliha SultanHaseki sultanTurhan SultanMuazzez SultanŞivekar SultanHümaşah SultanRabia SultanRethymnoRepublic of VeniceConstantinopleIstanbulTurkeyYeni Valide MosqueMehmed IVHatice SultanMustafa IIAhmed IIIÜmmügülsüm SultanFatma Emetullah SultanTurkishOttomanSunni IslamGreek OrthodoxEdirneVenetianCretan WarTopkapi PalaceconcubineodalisqueSuleiman IIAhmed IIKethüdaÇorluCharles XII of SwedenStanislaw PoniatowskiJewishÜsküdarTulip (Lâle) Era Hatice Sultan Sultan Kara Mustafa PaşahBulgaria Suleiman I Ümmügülsüm SultanYeni Cami Mosque Fatma Emetullah SultanList of Valide SultansList of consorts of the Ottoman SultansRepublic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and TourismFreely, JohnOttoman royaltyTurhanDilaşubMuazzezŞivekarDilaşub SultanOttoman DynastyFamily tree (simplified)Family tree (detailed)Line of successionList of mothersSultansCaliphsOsman IMurad IBayezid IInterregnumMehmed IMurad IIMehmed IIBayezid IISelim ISuleiman ISelim IIMurad IIIMehmed IIIAhmed IMustafa IOsman IIMurad IVIbrahimMahmud IOsman IIIMustafa IIIAbdul Hamid ISelim IIIMustafa IVMahmud IIAbdulmejid IAbdulazizMurad VAbdul Hamid IIMehmed VMehmed VIAbdulmejid II (Caliph only)ClaimantsSavcı BeySüleyman Çelebiİsa ÇelebiMusa ÇelebiMustafa ÇelebiKüçük MustafaSultan CemŞehzade AhmetŞehzade KorkutŞehzade MustafaŞehzade BayezidSultan YahyaAbdulmejid IIAhmed Nihad OsmanoğluOsman Fuad OsmanoğluMehmed Abdülaziz OsmanoğluAli Vâsıb OsmanoğluMehmed Orhan OsmanoğluErtuğrul Osman OsmanoğluOsman Bayezid OsmanoğluDündar Ali OsmanoğluNilüfer HatunDevlet HatunHüma HatunGülbahar HatunHafsa SultanNurbanu SultanSafiye SultanHandan SultanHalime SultanKösem SultanAşub SultanŞehsuvar SultanMihrişah SultanSineperver SultanNakşidil SultanBezmiâlem SultanPertevniyal SultanŞevkefza KadınPerestu KadınHaseki SultansHürrem SultanAyşe SultanMothers of the Ottoman SultansHalime HatunMalhun HatunGülçiçek HatunEmine HatunMahfiruz HatunMihrişah KadınŞermi KadınTirimüjgan KadınGülcemal KadınGülistu Kadın