Frederick Achilles, Duke of Württemberg-Neuenstadt

Frederick Achilles (5 May 1591 – 30 December 1631) was the first Duke of Württemberg-Neuenstadt from 1617 until his death in 1631.[1] The Duchy of Württemberg-Neuenstadt was a branch line of the ducal House of Württemberg in the 17th and 18th century named after the town of residence, Neuenstadt.Following a Fürstbrüderlicher Vergleich – a mutual agreement made between ducal brothers on 7 June 1617 (Julian calendar: 28 May), the sons of Frederick I split the inheritance such that the eldest son, Johann Frederick, assumed rule of the Duchy of Württemberg while his remaining brothers assumed possession of other ducal properties.Under the arrangement Frederick Achilles, then 26, was bequeathed Neuenstadt Castle and an annual endowment of 10,000 guilder.Frederick Achilles never married so after his death in 1631 the castle returned to the main line of the duchy before the Duchy of Württemberg-Neuenstadt was reinstated in 1649 under Duke Frederick.
Portrait, before 1631
Duke of Württemberg-NeuenstadtHouse of WürttembergNeuenstadtFrederick IJohann FrederickWürttembergguilderDuke FrederickVolker, PressLEO-BWGerman nobilityFrederickDukes of WürttembergEberhard IDuke of WürttembergEberhard IV, Count of WürttembergEberhard I, Duke of WürttembergEberhard II, Duke of WürttembergUlrich, Duke of WürttembergChristoph, Duke of WürttembergFrederick I, Duke of WürttembergLouis III, Duke of WürttembergJohn Frederick, Duke of WürttembergEberhard III, Duke of WürttembergFrederick, Duke of Württemberg-NeuenstadtWilliam Louis, Duke of WürttembergFrederick Charles, Duke of Württemberg-WinnentalFrederick Augustus, Duke of Württemberg-NeuenstadtFerdinand Willem, Duke of Württemberg-NeuenstadtCarl Rudolf, Duke of Württemberg-NeuenstadtEberhard Louis, Duke of WürttembergCharles Alexander, Duke of WürttembergHenry FrederickMaximilian EmanuelFrederick LouisCharles Eugene, Duke of WürttembergLouis Eugene, Duke of WürttembergFrederick II Eugene, Duke of WürttembergFrederick I, King of WürttembergWilliam Frederick PhilipFerdinand Frederick AugustusAlexanderPaul WilhelmWilliamNicholasMaximilianPhilippAlbrechtRobertPhilipp Albrecht, Duke of WürttembergCarl Alexander