František Čáp

Čáp's first Yugoslav film, romantic comedy Vesna (1953), had elements of Heimatfilm and pre-World War II Czech and Austrian melodrama, and proved highly successful both artistically and commercially, as did its sequel Ne čakaj na maj (1957).He directed Am Anfang war es Sünde (Sin / Greh, 1954, Saphir Film) and the romantic drama La ragazza della salina (Sand, Love and Salt / Kruh in sol, 1957), which featured Marcello Mastroianni.In 1956, Čáp shot Die Geierwally (The Vulture Wally), based on the novel by Wilhelmine von Hillern, in Germany, while X-25 javlja ("X-25 Reports", 1960), a World War II spy thriller set in Zagreb, saw extensive international theatrical release as well.[3] However, after his poorly received comedy Naš avto (Our Car, 1962), Čáp was unable to find work in Yugoslavia and he turned to direct for television.The orthodox communist reviewers saw in it a bourgeois threat to socialist values, and a conservative return to the middle class phantom concepts (e.g.[5] Contrary to complaints regarding the generic nature of the films, it is well recognized that Čáp contributed drastically to the adaptation of the Slovene language for cinematic use.
ČachoviceBohemiaAustria-HungaryAnkaranSR SloveniaSFR YugoslaviaFilm directorScreenwriterNe čakaj na majCzech RepublicLjubljanaTriglav FilmPortorožNocturnal ButterflyMen Without Wingscommunist CzechoslovakiaAll Clues Lead to BerlinHeimatfilmAm Anfang war es SündeLa ragazza della salinaMarcello MastroianniMilena DravićDie GeierwallyWilhelmine von HillernGermanyZagrebA Step into the DarknessVirginityFiery SummerGrandmotherJan CimburaThe DancerMist on the MoorsThe Girl from Beskydy MountainsSign of the AnchorMuzikantWhite DarknessCrown JewelsThe Beginning Was SinThe Vulture WallyDon't WhisperSand, Love and SaltVenice Film FestivalGrand Prix1946 Cannes Film FestivalPula Film FestivalBig Golden Arena for Best FilmPolimac, NenadJutarnji listMunicipality of PiranDragonjaLucijaNova Vas nad DragonjoParecagSečovljeStrunjanSveti PeterKempinski Palace PortorožMinorite MonasteryPiran Parish ChurchPortorož AirportSečovlje Salina Landscape ParkSečovlje SaltworksTartini HouseTartini SquareWalls of PiranPeter BossmanGiuseppe TartiniGolden Arena for Best DirectorYugoslav FilmBranko BauerSoja JovanovićNikola TanhoferJože BabičVeljko BulajićIgor PretnarŽika MitrovićFrance ŠtiglicAleksandar PetrovićVatroslav MimicaPuriša ĐorđevićŽivojin PavlovićFedor ŠkubonjaKrsto PapićKiril CenevskiMatjaž KlopčičZdravko VelimirovićGoran PaskaljevićSrđan KaranovićFadil HadžićMiloš RadivojevićRajko GrlićEmir KusturicaLordan ZafranovićVladimir BlaževskiŽarko DragojevićJože PogačnikFilip Robar DorinCroatian FilmZrinko OgrestaVinko BrešanGoran RušinovićLukas NolaDalibor MatanićAntun VrdoljakTomislav RadićAntonio NuićKristijan MilićArsen Anton OstojićZvonimir JurićGoran DevićBranko SchmidtHana JušićNevio MarasovićDanilo ŠerbedžijaSonja Tarokić