Fort San Pedro (Iloilo)

Fort San Pedro, also called Fuerza de la Nuestra Señora del Rosario, was a military defense structure in Iloilo City, Philippines.It was built in 1602 by Pedro Bravo de Acuña to protect the city from Moro and Dutch attacks, and was completely destroyed during World War II.Fortification of Our Lady of the Rosary in the Port of Yloylo, Province of Oton), was first built out of wood in 1602 by Pedro Bravo de Acuña.It was renovated into a stone fort by Diego de Quiñones following the Dutch attack in 1616,[1] where he found the image of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, now enshrined at San Jose Church.When World War II erupted, the Japanese Imperial army seized control and made it into a headquarters.
Fort San Pedro in present-day.
The Plan of the Fortification of the City of Iloilo, circa 1738.
Fort San PedroIloilo CityPedro Bravo de AcuñaWorld War IINational Museum of the PhilippinesOur Lady of the Most Holy RosarySan Jose ChurchTheodore RooseveltManuel L. QuezonJapanese ImperialUnited States NavyAir ForceSpanish colonial fortifications in the PhilippinesIntramurosFort SantiagoFort San Antonio AbadFort San FelipeFort Santa IsabelTwin Forts of RomblonPunta Cruz WatchtowerFuerte de la Concepcion y del TriunfoFort PikitFort PilarIloilo City ProperDowntownIloiloCasa Real de IloiloCelso Ledesma HouseIloilo Central MarketIloilo City HallIloilo Freedom GrandstandIloilo Provincial CapitolOld Iloilo City HallSan Jose Church (Iloilo)SM DelgadoTerranza Residences IloiloCalle RealElizalde BuildingEusebio Villanueva BuildingHoskyn's Department StoreIloilo Customs HouseArroyo FountainPlaza LibertadSunburst ParkMuseo IloiloMuseum of Philippine Economic HistoryMuseum of Philippine Maritime HistoryNational Museum Western VisayasAssumption IloiloAteneo de Iloilo – Santa Maria Catholic SchoolCabalum Western CollegeColegio de las Hijas de JesusColegio del Sagrado Corazon de JesusHua Siong College of IloiloSt. Paul University IloiloSun Yat Sen High SchoolUniversity of IloiloUniversity of San AgustinUniversity of the Philippines VisayasForbes BridgeGeneral Luna StreetIloilo Fish Port ComplexIznart StreetJ.M. Basa StreetMuelle Loney StreetPanay RailwaysPlazoleta GayPort of IloiloDinagyangKasadyahanOur Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of IloiloSanto Niño de Cebú