Flag of Roraima

[1] The flag was designed by Mário Barreto, and instituted by state law No.[2][3] Its format consists of a rectangle with a proportion (width-length) of 14 x 20 modules or equal parts, and its design is divided into three diagonal bands from left to right, and from bottom to top.The colors of the bands are, respectively: turquoise blue, white and flag green.In the center of the flag, resting on the red band, there is a gold star with dimensions that go beyond that of the central white band, referring to Wezen, from the constellation Canis Major.[2][4] The main colors of the flag (green, yellow, blue and white) are a representation of the integration of the state with Brazil, separately each color has a specific meaning:[5][6]
state flagRoraimaBrazilBrasíliaSenado FederalFlags of BrazilFlag of BrazilStatesAlagoasAmapáAmazonasCearáEspírito SantoGoiásMaranhãoMato GrossoMato Grosso do SulMinas GeraisParaíbaParanáPernambucoPiauíRio de JaneiroRio Grande do NorteRio Grande do SulRondôniaSanta CatarinaSão PauloSergipeTocantinsFederal DistrictDistrito Federal