Fairey Primer

The Primer was a conventional single-engined, low-winged monoplane, constructed of welded metal tubes with wood in subsidiary structures like ribs and stringers, all fabric covered.[2] The enclosed tandem dual control cockpits merged into a raised decking behind them, giving the aircraft a smooth but slightly humped look.Before the German invasion in May 1940 the machine was taken apart and shipped to England, probably in[3] September or October 1939;[5] certainly it flew from Fairey Aviation's Great West Aerodrome (the site now covered by London Heathrow Airport) for five months after November 1940.Shortly after the war OO-POM went back to Belgium for small modifications at Fairey's suggestion; they then took over the Tipsy M with the aim of producing it under licence.[4] The engine and some other parts were used to build the first production aircraft,[4] though the CAA records G-AKSX as being sold abroad in Aug 1948;[7] whether in flying condition or not is not noted.
Avions Fairey Tipsy M 3-view drawing from L'Aerophile June 1939
Fairey AviationErnest Oscar TipsAvions FaireyTipsy Sab initiodihedralde Havilland Gipsy MajorBlackburn Cirrus MajorGosseliesGreat West AerodromeWhite WalthamAeroplane and Armament Experimental EstablishmentBoscombe Downde Havilland Chipmunkde Havilland Gipsy Major 10FaireyHamble BabyCampaniaPintailFlycatcherFremantleFerretKangourouFirefly ILong-range MonoplaneFirefly IIMFleetwingHendonGordonS.9/30G.4/31SwordfishFantômeBattleSeafoxP.4/34AlbacoreFulmarBarracudaFirefly (monoplane)SpearfishGyrodyneGannetDelta 1Jet GyrodyneDelta 2Ultra-light HelicopterRotodyneGannet AEWAvions Fairey JuniorAvions Fairey BelfairTipsy BTipsy NipperTipsy S.2