Félix Ibarrondo

Félix Ibarrondo (born 12 June 1943) is a French composer of Basque origin.[1] Ibarrondo was born in Oñati in the Gipuzkoa province of the Basque country in Spain.[2] He then studied music at the San Sebastián and Bilbao conservatories, plus theology and philosophy.In 1969, he moved to Paris where he studied with Max Deutsch, Henri Dutilleux and Maurice Ohana,[2] the latter having a great influence on his work as a composer.He was also introduced to the electroacoustic music within the Groupe de recherches musicales.
Félix Ibarrondo in 2011
OñatiGipuzkoaBasque countrymusic theorySan SebastiánBilbaoMax DeutschHenri DutilleuxMaurice Ohanaelectroacoustic musicGroupe de recherches musicalesPablo MárquezAlfonso GómezDiscogsVignal, MarcÉditions LarousseAllMusicYouTube