Extensor pollicis longus muscle

It is much larger than the extensor pollicis brevis, the origin of which it partly covers and acts to stretch the thumb together with this muscle.[2] Passing through the third tendon compartment,[1] lying in a narrow, oblique groove on the back of the lower end of the radius,[3] it crosses the wrist close to the dorsal midline before turning towards the thumb using Lister's tubercle on the distal end of the radius as a pulley.In the metacarpal region, beyond the synovial sheath, the tendon is supplied directly from the radial artery.[2] Tenosynovitis, inflammatory irritation of the synovial sheath, is relatively common in the third compartment after repetitive activities such as drum playing.[5] This article incorporates text in the public domain from page 455 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)
interosseous membranedistal phalanxArteryPosterior interosseous arteryPosterior interosseous nerveradial nerveActionsExtensionmetacarpophalangealinterphalangealAntagonistFlexor pollicis longus muscleflexor pollicis brevis muscleAnatomical terms of musclehuman anatomyskeletal muscleforearmextensor pollicis brevisabductor pollicis longusradiusLister's tubercleextensores carpi radialis longusbrevisanatomical snuff boxradial arteryabductor pollicis brevisadductor pollicissynovial sheathextensor retinaculummesotendonanterior interosseous arterydorsal metacarpal arteryflexor pollicis longusTenosynovitispublic domainGray's AnatomyThiemeMusclesShoulderdeltoidrotator cuffsupraspinatusinfraspinatusteres minorsubscapularisteres majorfasciadeltoid fasciasupraspinous fasciainfraspinous fasciacompartmentsanteriorcoracobrachialisbicepsbrachialisposteriortriceps brachiianconeusarticularis cubitiaxillary sheathaxillary fasciabrachial fascialateralmedialquadrangular spacetriangular spacetriangular intervalpronator terespalmaris longusflexor carpi radialisflexor carpi ulnarisflexor digitorum superficialispronator quadratusflexor digitorum profundusmobile wadbrachioradialisextensor carpi radialis longusextensor digitorumextensor digiti minimiextensor carpi ulnarissupinatoranatomical snuffboxextensor indicisbicipital aponeurosisextensorflexorantebrachial fasciacubital tunnelosborne's ligamentthenaropponens pollicisflexor pollicis brevishypothenaropponens digiti minimiflexor digiti minimi brevisabductor digiti minimipalmaris brevislumbricaldorsalpalmarextensor expansionflexor retinaculumpalmar aponeurosis