Evangelical Church of Christ in Mozambique

The Evangelical Church of Christ in Mozambique (or the Igreja Evangelica de Cristo em Mocambique in Portuguese) was a result of Presbyterian missionaries from Scotland.James Reid started working in the Zambesi region in 1910.In 1913 the Scottish Presbyterian Church was founded, and was later renamed to Evangelical Mission of Nauela.The missionaries left Mozambique in 1933, the work was transferred to the Church of Brethren, 5 years later it was handed over by the South African General Mission.It is a member of the World Communion of Reformed Churches.
Flag of Mozambique
Flag of Mozambique
PortuguesePresbyterianScotlandZambesicongregationalChurch of ScotlandWorld Communion of Reformed ChurchesNampulaReligion in MozambiqueBahá'í FaithCatholicismBaptist Convention of MozambiqueEvangelican Lutheran ChurchIgrejas de CristoIgreja Metodista UnidaIgreja Presbiteriana de MoçambiqueReformed Church in MozambiqueReformed Church of Mozambique (Mphatso Synod)Igreja União Baptista de MoçambiqueProtestantismAnglican ChurchDiocese of LebomboDiocese of NiassaJudaismHinduismIrreligion