Euro-Mediterranean University of Slovenia

EMUNI University was established on 9 June 2008 in Portorož (Slovenia) with the objective of becoming an international, post-graduate, higher-education and research institution, fully integrated in the Euro-Mediterranean Area.In February 2009 EMUNI University became a legal entity in the Republic of Slovenia.The activities of EMUNI University include postgraduate education, seminars, (international) conferences, summer schools, professional courses, professional upgrading study programmes and other activities.At the end of 2008, the International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies (IJEMS) started to be issued.The activities of EMUNI University focus on the Union for the Mediterranean priority areas as well as maritime and land highways, alternative energies, culture and tourism, human rights and migration, civil protection, gender issues, water management, foreign policy, business development initiative and Euro-Mediterranean higher education and research area.
PortorožSloveniaUniversity of HaifaUniversity of MariborUniversity of SousseUniversity of Urbino "Carlo Bo"Union for the Mediterraneanpostgraduate educationSpringer NatureCompostela Group of UniversitiesAdam Mickiewicz University in PoznańCentro de Enseñanza Técnica y SuperiorColumbus UniversityESAN UniversityGrigol Robakidze UniversityIlia State UniversityJaume I UniversityKarlstad UniversityKazimieras Simonavičius UniversityKing Juan Carlos UniversityKore University of EnnaMasaryk UniversityMonterrey Institute of Technology and Higher EducationFederico Villarreal National UniversityNational University of San MarcosPeruvian University of Applied SciencesPhilipps University of MarburgPontifical Catholic University of PeruSão Paulo State UniversitySanto Domingo Institute of TechnologyTechnical University of MadridAnahuac University NetworkUniversidad La Salle MéxicoUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversità telematica internazionale UninettunoUniversity of A CoruñaUniversity of AlmeríaUniversity of BurgosUniversity of CádizUniversity of ExtremaduraUniversity of FribourgUniversity of GuadalajaraUniversity of La LagunaUniversity of Las Palmas de Gran CanariaUniversity of LeónUniversity of LimaUniversity of LleidaUniversity of ŁódźUniversity of MálagaUniversity of MaltaUniversity of MinhoUniversity of MonterreyUniversity of NantesUniversity of OviedoUniversity of PécsUniversity of PiuraUniversity of RegensburgUniversity of SalamancaUniversity of Santiago de CompostelaUniversity of SevilleUniversity of SurabayaUniversity of the Basque CountryUniversity of Trás-os-Montes and Alto DouroUniversity of ValenciaUniversity of VigoUniversity of WorcesterUniversity of ZaragozaYanka Kupala State University of GrodnoZhejiang Wanli UniversityConsortium for North American Higher Education CollaborationQuacquarelli SymondsScholars at Risk