
Essent (including its predecessors) has over 90 years of experience with generating, trading, transmitting and supplying electricity.In 2007, Essent divested its cable division Kabelcom to the investment companies Cinven and Warburg Pincus.In January 2009, German energy major, RWE AG, announced its intention to buy out all outstanding and issued shares of Essent.The deal, valued to be around 9.3 billion euros, would make Essent an operating company of RWE in the Netherlands and Belgium.Since the split of RWE and Innogy as of 1 April 2016, the power generation business was transferred to RWE Generation NL B.V., while Essent as retail and renewable energy company remained in the Innogy group.
Den BoschParentenergy's-HertogenboschNetherlandslimited liability corporationBelgiumelectricityNuon EnergyRWE AGOverijsselGroningenNorth BrabantDrentheFlevolandLimburgFrieslandInnogyelectric vehiclesAmprionElektriciteits Produktiemaatschappij Zuid-NederlandRWE Supply & Trading CZAmerican WaterNpowerRWE DeaThames WaterDeutsche Gesellschaft zum Bau und Betrieb von Endlagern für AbfallstoffeForewindGesellschaft für Nuklear-ServiceGundremmingen Nuclear Power PlantNabucco Gas Pipeline InternationalRostock Power StationUrenco GroupHorizon Nuclear PowerBiblis Nuclear Power PlantInnogy Nordsee 1Garzweiler surface mineHambach surface mineLingen Nuclear Power PlantMittelplateMülheim-Kärlich Nuclear Power PlantNeurath Power StationNiederaussem Power StationNordsee-Ost offshore wind farmRWE TowerAberthaw power stationsAtlantic ArrayDidcot power stationsDogger Bank Wind FarmGreat Yarmouth Power StationGreater Gabbard wind farmGwynt y MôrKnabs Ridge wind farmLittle Barford Power StationLittlebrook Power StationNorth Hoyle Offshore Wind FarmPembroke Power StationRhyl FlatsStaythorpe Power StationTilbury power stationsTriton KnollAmercentraleGazela PipelineGjøa oilfieldNabucco pipelineNakhchivan fieldFritz VahrenholtAdvanced Plant Management System