Eris Quod Sum
Mohinder Suresh leaves Isaac Mendez's loft and takes Maya to Pinehearst Laboratories where he meets Arthur Petrelli.After Maya leaves, clearly mistrustful after what Mohinder has put her through, Suresh is offered a place at Pinehearst's research lab.Back at the loft, Nathan Petrelli and Tracy Strauss call Noah Bennet in order to decide what to do with Mohinder's victims.Bennet arrives with Nathan's ex-flame Meredith Gordon, and amidst the awkwardness, Tracy laughs at the twisted familial ties that the three share with each other and Claire.When they get out of the car, the electricity goes haywire in their home, and before Sandra can check the circuit breakers, Claire finds Lyle on the floor barely conscious.He informs them that "the bitch is back" and Claire finds Elle Bishop in Noah's home office, struggling to control her electrical powers.Sylar awakens from the coma and kisses his sleeping mother on the forehead, agreeing to rescue Peter.Hiro doubted Usutu's advice on how to handle his opponents and didn't want to go back in time to deal with them.