Giant grouper

The dorsal profile of the head and the intraorbital area are convex, The propercle has a rounded corner and a finely serrated margin.[5] The giant grouper is a species of shallow water fish and can be found at depths of 1 to 100 metres (3.3 to 328.1 ft).[1] The giant grouper is an opportunistic ambush predator which feeds on a variety of fishes, as well as small sharks, juvenile sea turtles, crustaceans and molluscs which are all swallowed whole.Fish living in estuarine environments in South Africa were found to be feeding almost exclusively on the crab Scylla serrata.They are not generally considered dangerous to humans but divers are advised to treat large specimens with caution and not to hand feed them.[8] The giant grouper was first formally described as Holocentras lanceolatus in 1790 by the German medical doctor and naturalist Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723–1799) with the type locality given as the East Indies.
Juvenile coloration
Goliath grouperBrown-spotted rockcodBrown spotted reef codRipley's Aquarium of CanadaConservation statusData DeficientIUCN 3.1Scientific classificationEukaryotaAnimaliaChordataActinopterygiiPerciformesSerranidaeEpinephelinaeEpinephelusBinomial nameSynonymsValenciennesPetersGüntherDe VisFowlerray-finned fishgroupersubfamilyfamilyanthiasIndo-Pacificbony fishstandard lengthdorsal finanal fincaudal finlateral lineRed SeaAlgoa BayWestern Pacific OceanPitcairn IslandsHawaiiRottnest IslandWestern AustraliaWoy Woy, New South WalesChristmas IslandCocos (Keeling) IslandsElizabeth and Middleton Reefs Marine National Park ReserveTasman SeaYounghusband PeninsulaSouth AustraliaPersian Gulfterritoriesspiny lobstersScylla serrataprotogynous hermaphroditesbroadcast spawnersdescribedGermanmedical doctornaturalistMarcus Elieser Blochtype localityEast IndiesFelipe PoeyEpinephelus itajaraE. quinquefasciatussynonymsubgenusTraditional Chinese MedicinemaricultureaquacultureE. fuscoguttatuschemotherapyShedd AquariumChicagoIUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesFroese, RainerFishBaseBibcodeEschmeyer, William N.Catalog of FishesCalifornia Academy of SciencesIntegrated Taxonomic Information SystemAustralian MuseumAlphestesAlphestes immaculatusAnyperodonslender grouper (A. leucogrammicus)AethalopercaAethaloperca rogaaCephalopholisBlue-Spotted Grouper (C. argus)Chocolate hind (C. boenak)Graysby (C. cruentata)Bluelined hind (C. formosa)Coney (C. fulva)Yellowfin hind (C. hemistiktos)Neptune grouper (C. igarashiensis)Leopard grouper (C. leopardus)Vermillion seabass (C. miniata)Pacific Graysby (C. panamensis)Tomato hind (C. sonnerati)Strawberry grouper (C. spiloparaea)Blue Spotted Sea Bass | (C. taeniops)ChromileptesHumpback grouper (C. altivelis)Dermatolepismarbled grouper (D. inermis)smooth grouper (D. striolata)Areolate grouper (E. areolatus)Atlantic goliath grouper (E. itajara)Banded grouper (E. amblycephalus)Blacktip grouper (E. fasciatus)Blue and yellow grouper (E. flavocaeruleus)Brown-marbled grouper (E. fuscoguttatus)Brownspotted grouper (E. chlorostigma)Camouflage grouper (E. polyphekadion)Catface grouper (E. andersoni)Comet grouper (E. morrhua)Coral grouper (E. corallicola)Dotted grouper (E. epistictus)Dusky grouper (E. marginatus)Epaulet grouper (E. stoliczkae)Foursaddle grouper (E. spilotoceps)Greasy grouper (E. tauvina)Honeycomb grouper (E. merra)Hong Kong grouper (E. akaara)Longfin grouper (E. quoyanus)Longtooth grouper (E. bruneus)Malabar grouper (E. malabaricus)Marquesan grouper (E. irroratus)Nassau grouper (E. striatus)Orange-spotted grouper (E. coioides)Pacific Goliath grouper (E. quinquefasciatus)Potato grouper (E. tukula)Red grouper (E. morio)Red hind (E. guttatus)Saddletail grouper (E. daemelii)Speckled hind (E. drummondhayi)Spotted grouper (E. analogus)Starry grouper (E. labriformis)Summan grouper (E. summana)Wavy-lined grouper (E. undulosus)White grouper (E. aeneus)White-edged grouper (E. albomarginatus)Whitespotted grouper (E. coeruleopunctatus)White-streaked grouper (E. ongus)Yellow grouper (E. awoara)GonioplectrusSpanish flag (G. hispanus)GracilaMasked Grouper (G. albomarginata)HyporthodusHyporthodus acanthistiusRooster hindHyporthodus exsulTenspine grouperYellowedge grouperHyporthodus mystacinusMisty grouperHyporthodus nigritusWarsaw grouperHyporthodus niveatusSnowy grouperHyporthodus octofasciatusHyporthodus quernusHawaiian grouperHyporthodus septemfasciatusConvict grouperMycteropercaBlack grouper (M. bonaci) Venezuelan grouper (M. cidi)Gulf grouper (M. jordani)Gag grouper (M. microlepis) Sailfin grouper (M. olfax)Sawtail grouper (M. prionura)Leopard grouper (M. rosacea)Mottled grouper (M. rubra)Tiger grouper (M. tigris)Broomtail grouper (M. xenarcha)Yellowfin grouper (M. venenosa)Scamp grouper (M. phenax)Yellowmouth grouper (M. interstitialis)ParanthiasPacific creole-fish (P. colonus)PlectropomusPlectropomus areolatusPlectropomus laevisPlectropomus leopardusPlectropomus maculatusPlectropomus pessuliferusSaloptiaSaloptia powelli Triso dermopterusVariolaVariola albimarginataVariola loutiWikidataWikispeciesARKiveiNaturalistOpen Tree of Life