
It is the location of the main border crossing between the West Kalimantan and the Malaysian state of Sarawak.Entikong district located in the hills which form the Indonesia-Malaysia border in the northern part of Sanggau Regency.Most long-distance bus services linking Pontianak and cities in Sarawak use the Entikong border crossing.[1] The checkpoint was newly renovated at a cost of 152 billion rupiah as part of the programme to upgrade border crossing checkpoints and border areas throughout Indonesia initiated by Indonesian President Joko Widodo.[2] The new checkpoint which is located on a 8 hectare piece of land was inaugurated by Jokowi on 21 December 2016.
Entikong border crossing checkpoint
Sanggau RegencyWest KalimantanIndonesiaborder crossingMalaysianSarawakTebeduIndonesia-Malaysia borderSerian DivisionLandak RegencyBengkayang RegencyPontianakKuchingrupiahJoko WidodoJakarta Post