Emidio Greco

Born in Leporano, in the province of Taranto, Greco moved in Turin as a child.[1][2] In 1964 he graduated at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, then, two years later, he started an activity as documentarist for RAI TV.[1] In 1971 he attended Roberto Rossellini accompanying him in Chile for a filmed interview with Salvador Allende.[1] In 1974 Greco made his directorial debut in a feature film with Morel's Invention that, well-received from critics, marked him as a real promise in Italian art cinema.[3] In 2004 Greco, together with Francesco Maselli, founded and organized the "Giornate degli Autori" section at the Venice Film Festival.
Leporanofilm directorscreenwriterMorel's Inventionprovince of TarantoCentro Sperimentale di CinematografiaRAI TVRoberto RosselliniSalvador Allendeart cinemaEhrengardNastro d'ArgentoA Simple StoryFrancesco MaselliVenice Film FestivalMilongaThe Council of EgyptNews from the ExcavationsLa RepubblicaQuotidiano.netCorriere della Sera