Elegy for J.F.K.

After the outbreak of World War II and his emigration to Los Angeles, California, in 1939, Stravinsky continued to work within the neo-classical framework he had adopted since about 1920 (following his Russian period of 1907–1919), but beginning in the early 1950s turned to various serial techniques, which he used until his death in 1971.The piece is in ternary form, just like the poem, meaning that material is repeated in the first and last nine measures.Various compositional elements suggest the severity of the topic such as the frequent use of da capo, the perfect fifth D♯–A♯ in the clarinets from mm.Stravinsky composed the vocal line first, only adding the accompaniment afterward—a working method he likened to Schoenberg's in the Phantasie for violin and piano.As in all twelve-tone music, there is a mathematical relationship between the prime, inverted, and retrograde series.
Igor Stravinskyassassination of U.S. President John F. KennedyWorld War IIneo-classicalserialbaritonemezzo-sopranoclarinetsB♭ clarinetsalto clarinettwelve-toneW. H. AudenJohn F. Kennedyda capoperfect fifthtritoneSchoenbergtritonesThe Floodpitch-classCultural depictions of John F. KennedyPerspectives of New MusicRobert CraftAuden, W. H.Kuster, AndrewThreniPayne, AnthonyAbraham and IsaacYouTubeCathy BerberianPierre BoulezBoosey & HawkesList of compositionsDiscographyThe NightingaleRenardThe Soldier's TaleOedipus rexPerséphoneThe Rake's ProgressThe FirebirdPetrushkaThe Rite of SpringLes nocesPulcinellaApolloThe Fairy's KissJeu de cartesDanses concertantesScènes de balletOrpheusSymphony in E♭Symphony of PsalmsSymphony in CSymphony in Three MovementsScherzo fantastiqueFireworksFuneral SongFour ÉtudesThe Song of the NightingaleCircus PolkaScherzo à la russeGreeting PreludeCanon on a Russian Popular TuneConcerto for Piano and Wind InstrumentsCapriccio for Piano and OrchestraViolin Concerto in DConcerto in E♭ ("Dumbarton Oaks")Ebony ConcertoMovements for Piano and OrchestraConcerto in DPastoralePribaoutkiBerceuses du chatThe Owl and the Pussy CatZvezdolikiAve MariaCantataCanticum SacrumA Sermon, a Narrative, and a PrayerRequiem CanticlesTarantellaScherzoPiano Sonata in F♯ minorValse des fleursThree Easy PiecesFive Easy PiecesÉtude for PianolaPiano-Rag-MusicLes cinq doigtsThree Movements from PetrushkaPiano SonataSerenade in AConcerto for Two PianosSonata for Two PianosTwo Sketches for a SonataThree Pieces for String QuartetThree Pieces for Solo ClarinetLied ohne NameDuo ConcertantSeptetEpitaphiumDouble Canon (in Memoriam Raoul Dufy)Symphonies of Wind InstrumentsFanfare for a New TheatreBluebird Pas de DeuxTchaikovskyThe Sleeping BeautyMonumentum pro GesualdoFyodor StravinskyYekaterina NosenkoVera SudeikinaSoulima StravinskyThéodore StrawinskyStravinsky (crater)Stravinsky FountainStravinsky InletEarnest AnderssonErnest AnsermetGeorge BalanchineBallets RussesNadia BoulangerCoco Chanel & Igor StravinskyJean CocteauSergei DiaghilevSamuel DushkinArthur LouriéMonday Evening ConcertsNew York City BalletPierre MonteuxNeoclassicismPetrushka chordPsalms chordCharles Ferdinand RamuzWerner ReinhartSerialism