Earthwatch Institute

Earthwatch's mission statement states that the organization "connects people with scientists worldwide to conduct environmental research and empowers them with the knowledge they need to conserve the planet."[4] As such, it is one of the global underwriters of scientific field research in climate change, archaeology, paleontology, marine life, biodiversity, ecosystems and wildlife.[5] For over fifty years, Earthwatch has raised funds to recruit individuals, students, teachers, and corporate fellows[6] to participate in field research to understand nature's response to accelerating global change.[14] By paying to spend time on a project ranging from a few days to several weeks, volunteers, corporations, and foundations support critical field research both financially and by providing a workforce to collect data.Earthwatch was started as Educational Expeditions International in 1971 by Bob Citron, who was a Smithsonian Institution employee, and Clarence Truesdale, the superintendent of Vermont public schools.
BostonMassachusettsBob Citronclimate changearchaeologypaleontologymarine lifebiodiversityecosystemswildlifepeer-reviewedfield researchwildlife conservationrainforestmarine scienceOxfordMelbourneGurgaonSmithsonian InstitutionEarthwatch AustraliaBush BlitzAustralian Biological Resources StudyBHP BillitonUN Sustainable Development GoalsEodromaeus murphiLoreto, PeruMalawiMajete Wildlife ReserveAfrican wildlifeMongolian SteppeIkh Nart Nature ReserveHimalayasMadagascarAnkarafantsika National ParkCryptoprocta feroxparasitoidBorneoforest fragments in BorneoArctictree linespermafrostMackenzie MountainsGreat Otway National ParkleopardsmonkeysSouth Africaleatherback sea turtleValles CalderaNicaraguaMasaya VolcanoDarwin's FinchesCitizen ScienceHong KongBrazilDeepwater Horizon oil spillColumbian mammothBan Non-Watblack band diseaseSpheniscus demersusParahyaena brunneaintegrated pest managementArabian leopardJebel Samhanhuman-wildlife conflictBelizeStrombus gigasPanulirus arguscheetahAtlantic ForestsHSBC Climate PartnershipfragmentationChesapeake BayGutianshan ForestsWestern GhatGrevy's ZebraSamburu DistrictAmbracian GulfEaster IslandRapa NuiWildlife CorridorsBlack RhinosArchosaursBioblitzConservation movementEcologyEnvironmental protectionEnvironmentalismNathaniel SpringNatural environmentNatural capitalNatural resourceRenewable resourceSustainabilityVolunteer VacationDaily TelegraphHerald SunSanta Fe New MexicanNBC NewsBibcodeWayback Machine