
DumbLand is a series of eight animated shorts written, directed and voiced by director David Lynch and was commissioned by gaming and entertainment website, Shockwave.com, in 2000[1].The series details the daily routines of a dull-witted white trash man.The style of the series is intentionally crude both in terms of presentation and content, with limited animation.[2] The final episode "Ants" parodies Lynch's attempts at being a music producer in the early 1990s by featuring a singer who resembles Julee Cruise and music similar to that of long-time collaborator Angelo Badalamenti (both of whom Lynch worked with on the soundtrack to Twin Peaks as well as the concert film Industrial Symphony No.The presentation of the series on the Criterion Channel called it "the angriest cartoon in the world".
Black comedyDavid Lynchanimatedshortswhite trashAbraham LincolnJulee CruiseAngelo BadalamentiTwin PeaksIndustrial Symphony No. 1Criterion ChannelretrospectiveLisbonThe Angriest Dog in the WorldThe GuardianAmazon.comEarly lifeFilmographyDiscographyBibliographyAccoladesCultural ImpactFrequent collaboratorsUnrealized projectsEraserheadThe Elephant ManBlue VelvetWild at HeartLost HighwayThe Straight StoryMulholland DriveInland EmpireSix Men Getting Sick (Six Times)The AlphabetThe GrandmotherThe AmputeeThe Cowboy and the FrenchmanPremonition Following an Evil DeedDarkened RoomRabbitsBug CrawlsAbsurdaLady Blue ShanghaiIdem ParisWhat Did Jack Do?Wicked GameLongingShot in the Back of the HeadCame Back HauntedOn the AirHotel RoomTwin Peaks: The ReturnBlueBOBThe Air Is on FirePolish Night MusicCrazy Clown TimeThe Big DreamThought GangCellophane MemoriesImagesCatching the Big FishGenealogies of PainRoom to DreamDale CooperLaura PalmerSheriff Harry TrumanShelly JohnsonDonna HaywardAudrey HorneMaddy FergusonBenjamin HornePhillip JeffriesWindom EarleLeland PalmerLog LadyThe GiantThe Man from Another Place / The ArmTommy HillBobby BriggsFrank BoothJennifer LynchIn HeavenRonnie RocketLynch on LynchBlue Velvet RevisitedLynch/OzDavid Lynch Foundation