
A drive-in is a facility (such as a restaurant or movie theater) where one can drive in with an automobile for service.Notably however, during peak periods, patrons may be required to park in a designated parking spot and wait for their food to be directly served to them by an attendant walking to their car, resulting in the perceived relationship between the two service-types.In France, this term has become popular because of American movies showing that kind of service, and more recently due to the expansion of fast-food restaurants.The first drive-in restaurant was Kirby's Pig Stand, which opened in Dallas, Texas, in 1921.[1][2] In North America, drive-in facilities of all types have become less popular since their heyday in the 1950s and 1960s, with drive-throughs rising to prominence since the 1970s and 1980s.
Drive-in theater in Neu-Isenburg , Germany
McDonald's Curbside Pickup - Mobile - order and pay
Scenes in and around a drive-in restaurant in Long Beach, California , 1952 (video)
Drive-in tray on car
Drive-in theaterDrive-in (disambiguation)Neu-IsenburgFerris wheelMcDonald'sLong Beach, Californiarestaurantmovie theaterautomobileDrive-in theatersdrive-throughGerman-speakingrest areaFrancefast-food restaurantsKirby's Pig StandDallasNorth AmericaThe VarsityAtlantaGeorgiaAmerican GraffitiMels Drive-InHappy DaysDrive-In ClassicsList of drive-in restaurantsList of drive-in theatersSafari park